Brilliantly structured. J. Chavez drags you through the unexpected poetry buried in scientific jargon. Not only are the metaphors striking and intratextually supported, they breathe with intently planned language. This small conversation calling for such audacious staging speaks to J. Chavez’s bravery and inspiring belief in the power of theatrical representation. When a Whale Falls sinks you to the bottom of the ocean, from where you are comforted to see that life can still be new.
Brilliantly structured. J. Chavez drags you through the unexpected poetry buried in scientific jargon. Not only are the metaphors striking and intratextually supported, they breathe with intently planned language. This small conversation calling for such audacious staging speaks to J. Chavez’s bravery and inspiring belief in the power of theatrical representation. When a Whale Falls sinks you to the bottom of the ocean, from where you are comforted to see that life can still be new.