Recommendations of Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

  • John Busser: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    I love the "meta-ness" of it. Playwright characters writing dystopian plays during a dystopia. J. Chavez hits all the right notes too, including the Lesbian love story (or porn story, depending how far the playwright would have gotten before being interrupted). There's plenty of inside-baseball type humor here for us playwrights, but an audience force fed one goddamn dystopian play after another will spot all the tropes as well. Well done.

    I love the "meta-ness" of it. Playwright characters writing dystopian plays during a dystopia. J. Chavez hits all the right notes too, including the Lesbian love story (or porn story, depending how far the playwright would have gotten before being interrupted). There's plenty of inside-baseball type humor here for us playwrights, but an audience force fed one goddamn dystopian play after another will spot all the tropes as well. Well done.

  • Jaxson Mackling: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    CHAVEZ's short piece, "Another Goddamn Dystopian Play" is a take on what it truly means to be a playwright in a writer's room. Each of these characters faces challenges. All while truthful, some are more eye-opening than others. Read this play, you won't be disappointed!

    CHAVEZ's short piece, "Another Goddamn Dystopian Play" is a take on what it truly means to be a playwright in a writer's room. Each of these characters faces challenges. All while truthful, some are more eye-opening than others. Read this play, you won't be disappointed!

  • Greg Mandryk: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    I, for one, will never turn my nose up at a good dystopian play. Especially when they’re as enjoyable as this one! Granted, J. Chavez is writing for a very niche audience here. But if you’re on NPX (and you are), you are well within the target demographic. So, quit reading this recommendation and read Another Goddamn Dystopian Play!

    I, for one, will never turn my nose up at a good dystopian play. Especially when they’re as enjoyable as this one! Granted, J. Chavez is writing for a very niche audience here. But if you’re on NPX (and you are), you are well within the target demographic. So, quit reading this recommendation and read Another Goddamn Dystopian Play!

  • James Perry: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    "Another Goddamn Dystopian Play" is a hilarious and insightful critique of theatrical trends. The central theme revolves around the overuse of dystopian settings in contemporary plays. The play satirizes the trend, questioning the relevance and creativity within the genre. Additionally, the script touches on the challenges faced by writers in a collaborative setting and the struggle to break away from clichés and stereotypes.

    "Another Goddamn Dystopian Play" is a hilarious and insightful critique of theatrical trends. The central theme revolves around the overuse of dystopian settings in contemporary plays. The play satirizes the trend, questioning the relevance and creativity within the genre. Additionally, the script touches on the challenges faced by writers in a collaborative setting and the struggle to break away from clichés and stereotypes.

  • Wren Aubrey Latham: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    Oh, I had a BLAST. J. has their finger on the pulse with this one featuring characters determined to keep a dying genre alive in a time when genres are dying all around. Would make a great piece in an apocalypse themed play festival!

    Oh, I had a BLAST. J. has their finger on the pulse with this one featuring characters determined to keep a dying genre alive in a time when genres are dying all around. Would make a great piece in an apocalypse themed play festival!

  • Kate Danley: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    The thing about satire is that the closer it is to the truth? The funnier it is. And this is HILLARIOUS. This is exactly what a writers' group at the end of the world would look like. And the NEED to incorporate the apocalypse for ART is so spot on. I laughed loudly. This would slay at a short festival!!

    The thing about satire is that the closer it is to the truth? The funnier it is. And this is HILLARIOUS. This is exactly what a writers' group at the end of the world would look like. And the NEED to incorporate the apocalypse for ART is so spot on. I laughed loudly. This would slay at a short festival!!

  • Ky Weeks: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    Playful, smart, and bitingly direct. There's something distinctly bleak about the premise here, in the inherit egotism of trying to capture through art the crisis that's actively going on just outside. And while the reminder that we really don't need more dystopian plays is timely and oh-so-true, Chavez also gets to the heart of another truth, that it's kind of hard to think about anything else. A well-crafted piece of art.

    Playful, smart, and bitingly direct. There's something distinctly bleak about the premise here, in the inherit egotism of trying to capture through art the crisis that's actively going on just outside. And while the reminder that we really don't need more dystopian plays is timely and oh-so-true, Chavez also gets to the heart of another truth, that it's kind of hard to think about anything else. A well-crafted piece of art.

  • Shaun Leisher: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    Obsessed with this idea of what a writer's workshop would look like during a zombie apocalypse. Biting humor that serves as perfect commentary of genre and who is able to write what stories.

    Obsessed with this idea of what a writer's workshop would look like during a zombie apocalypse. Biting humor that serves as perfect commentary of genre and who is able to write what stories.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    The ultimate workshop play about workshop plays! It's true, write what you know, but in this play, it seems these writers aren't exactly sure what they know anymore. It's fun to see how playwrights navigate the dystopian world around them and how they handle each other!

    The ultimate workshop play about workshop plays! It's true, write what you know, but in this play, it seems these writers aren't exactly sure what they know anymore. It's fun to see how playwrights navigate the dystopian world around them and how they handle each other!

  • Paul Donnelly: Another Goddamn Dystopian Play

    Really, what kind of playwright would let the end of civilization stand between them and their writer's workshop? Not these four wittily drawn and spot on characters. This Goddamn Dystopian Play is great fun.

    Really, what kind of playwright would let the end of civilization stand between them and their writer's workshop? Not these four wittily drawn and spot on characters. This Goddamn Dystopian Play is great fun.