Recommendations of Bury the Rest

  • Cheryl Bear: Bury the Rest

    A spectacular look inside a family ripped apart by grief and further impacted by the gun lobby. Brilliant, powerful and effective.

    A spectacular look inside a family ripped apart by grief and further impacted by the gun lobby. Brilliant, powerful and effective.

  • Playwrights Foundation: Bury the Rest

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, BURY THE REST, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, BURY THE REST, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

  • Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin: Bury the Rest

    I had the chance to hear a reading of this play at the Kennedy Center Region III conference, and I'm still thinking about it. This is a well-crafted play about not only topical issues but the nature of change itself, populated with memorable characters. I'm excited to see the life that this play has in the future: it's a timely and necessary work.

    I had the chance to hear a reading of this play at the Kennedy Center Region III conference, and I'm still thinking about it. This is a well-crafted play about not only topical issues but the nature of change itself, populated with memorable characters. I'm excited to see the life that this play has in the future: it's a timely and necessary work.

  • Inna Tsyrlin: Bury the Rest

    This play explores what it takes to change one of the most fundamental issues in America today, gun control. The characters on stage bleed, rage, grieve, and grow. Skye Robinson Hillis creates a powerful narrative that leaves you shattered and screaming for change. The dialogue is sharp and hits you like a bullet to the heart. Read this play and produce it!

    This play explores what it takes to change one of the most fundamental issues in America today, gun control. The characters on stage bleed, rage, grieve, and grow. Skye Robinson Hillis creates a powerful narrative that leaves you shattered and screaming for change. The dialogue is sharp and hits you like a bullet to the heart. Read this play and produce it!

  • M.r. Fitzgerald: Bury the Rest

    "What actually changes?" This is the main question posed by a family desperate to discuss, debate and straight-up argue tooth and nail on how to change the world for the better after the violent end of Lucy's life at the hands of a school shooter. Hillis' exploration of the fight for gun control is a captivating and raw depiction of grief and how a family can tear itself apart while pursuing what they believe is right, because, for better or worse, we're all human in the end. I would LOVE to see this on stage!

    "What actually changes?" This is the main question posed by a family desperate to discuss, debate and straight-up argue tooth and nail on how to change the world for the better after the violent end of Lucy's life at the hands of a school shooter. Hillis' exploration of the fight for gun control is a captivating and raw depiction of grief and how a family can tear itself apart while pursuing what they believe is right, because, for better or worse, we're all human in the end. I would LOVE to see this on stage!

  • Jordan Ramirez Puckett: Bury the Rest

    BURY THE REST is a nuanced look at the personal and political repercussions of gun violence. This play contains complex characters with compelling arguments and no simple answers. Hillis has managed to take a hot button topic and show thoughtful characters who land solidly on opposite sides of the issue. I had the pleasure of seeing a staged reading of this play at the Seaburry Quinn Jr. Playwrights Festival and I sincerely hope to see a full production of the play soon.

    BURY THE REST is a nuanced look at the personal and political repercussions of gun violence. This play contains complex characters with compelling arguments and no simple answers. Hillis has managed to take a hot button topic and show thoughtful characters who land solidly on opposite sides of the issue. I had the pleasure of seeing a staged reading of this play at the Seaburry Quinn Jr. Playwrights Festival and I sincerely hope to see a full production of the play soon.

  • Liz Dooley: Bury the Rest

    A remarkable and intelligent exploration of the intersection of grief and politics. This play is full of messy, complicated relationships that are nonetheless rooted in affection. The characters’ political stances are equally loaded, and the shifting of viewpoints through and around the family’s trauma is fascinating to watch. And it all builds up to an explosive, well-earned finale. Skye Robinson Hillis deserves all the credit in the world for tackling as many issues and relationship dynamics are in this play, and keeping them balanced and impactful as is possible. I would love the chance to...

    A remarkable and intelligent exploration of the intersection of grief and politics. This play is full of messy, complicated relationships that are nonetheless rooted in affection. The characters’ political stances are equally loaded, and the shifting of viewpoints through and around the family’s trauma is fascinating to watch. And it all builds up to an explosive, well-earned finale. Skye Robinson Hillis deserves all the credit in the world for tackling as many issues and relationship dynamics are in this play, and keeping them balanced and impactful as is possible. I would love the chance to see this play performed.

  • MT Cozzola: Bury the Rest

    A deeply passionate exploration of grief and principles, and what happens when they get in the way of each other. Messy human relationships and gorgeous structure make this play something special. The wit and humor only make the sense of loss more heartbreaking. The interludes help me to navigate time and relationships in a way that is beautifully theatrical. There are great roles for women here, and vibrant relationships. I can't wait to see this onstage!

    A deeply passionate exploration of grief and principles, and what happens when they get in the way of each other. Messy human relationships and gorgeous structure make this play something special. The wit and humor only make the sense of loss more heartbreaking. The interludes help me to navigate time and relationships in a way that is beautifully theatrical. There are great roles for women here, and vibrant relationships. I can't wait to see this onstage!

  • Olivia Matthews: Bury the Rest

    Robinson Hillis balances the politics of gun control and grief masterfully in this play. The dialogue is rich and snappy while perfectly capturing frustration after a heartbreaking loss due to senseless violence. Her ability to channel the voices of Gen Xers, Millenials, and Gen Z is done so with care and authenticity. I had the privilege of seeing a reading but please someone bring this play to life in a production.

    Robinson Hillis balances the politics of gun control and grief masterfully in this play. The dialogue is rich and snappy while perfectly capturing frustration after a heartbreaking loss due to senseless violence. Her ability to channel the voices of Gen Xers, Millenials, and Gen Z is done so with care and authenticity. I had the privilege of seeing a reading but please someone bring this play to life in a production.

  • Rachel Bykowski: Bury the Rest

    A heartbreaking story of a family torn apart by gun violence. The plays pits beliefs vs. pride against each other to show the violent outcomes. At the center of the story is the theatrical arc of the character Lucy. I don't think I have ever seen the anguish of losing your identity to an entire movement portrayed so dynamically. The tragedy is no one gets to know the true Lucy better than the audience who shares this brief stage time with her.

    A heartbreaking story of a family torn apart by gun violence. The plays pits beliefs vs. pride against each other to show the violent outcomes. At the center of the story is the theatrical arc of the character Lucy. I don't think I have ever seen the anguish of losing your identity to an entire movement portrayed so dynamically. The tragedy is no one gets to know the true Lucy better than the audience who shares this brief stage time with her.