Recommendations of DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

  • Lainie Vansant: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    Goldman-Sherman gives us a thoughtful reflection on allyship and shared humanity in this poetic play. By the end, I found myself really rooting for these young women and hoping the best for them.

    Goldman-Sherman gives us a thoughtful reflection on allyship and shared humanity in this poetic play. By the end, I found myself really rooting for these young women and hoping the best for them.

  • Jillian Blevins: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    Theatre should always be an exercise in empathy; I can’t think of a more direct answer to that call than DAUGHTERS OF ABRAHAM. Bound by womanhood, oppression, and their common ancestor, Goldman-Sherman’s queer American Jew and Palestinian refugee seek to understand each other by entering each other’s lives and candidly discussing their struggles, joys, and differences. Especially moving is American Racie’s longing for more simplicity and community, despite the material luxuries she’s left behind. Neither character is a stereotype, nor a victim—it’s clear that like her characters, the...

    Theatre should always be an exercise in empathy; I can’t think of a more direct answer to that call than DAUGHTERS OF ABRAHAM. Bound by womanhood, oppression, and their common ancestor, Goldman-Sherman’s queer American Jew and Palestinian refugee seek to understand each other by entering each other’s lives and candidly discussing their struggles, joys, and differences. Especially moving is American Racie’s longing for more simplicity and community, despite the material luxuries she’s left behind. Neither character is a stereotype, nor a victim—it’s clear that like her characters, the playwright’s aim is understanding.

  • Sam Heyman: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    Daughters Of Abraham is a thoughtful, poignant play about two characters extending hands — and more than hands, their whole selves — across lines of difference, and finding the ways in which they relate to one another. Goldman-Sherman’s protagonists are well drawn, and their perspectives on each other’s circumstances evoke strong feelings without being overly sensational. Excellent work!

    Daughters Of Abraham is a thoughtful, poignant play about two characters extending hands — and more than hands, their whole selves — across lines of difference, and finding the ways in which they relate to one another. Goldman-Sherman’s protagonists are well drawn, and their perspectives on each other’s circumstances evoke strong feelings without being overly sensational. Excellent work!

  • Nora Louise Syran: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    What a lovely, hopeful play. A clever theatrical opening and and a satisfying ending. The actresses will have a great time portraying these two lovable characters and the audience will walk out truly believing peace is possible.

    What a lovely, hopeful play. A clever theatrical opening and and a satisfying ending. The actresses will have a great time portraying these two lovable characters and the audience will walk out truly believing peace is possible.

  • Claudia Haas: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    Goldman-Sherman seamlessly ties social justice with theatre. With a magical beginning, we are treated to a meeting of two worlds with more in common than current events state. Stereotypes are shredded and a real conversation starts. A conversation that is the beginning of understanding. Which is a first phase to love. The play is ideal for high schools, colleges and regional theatres. Let the conversation begin.

    Goldman-Sherman seamlessly ties social justice with theatre. With a magical beginning, we are treated to a meeting of two worlds with more in common than current events state. Stereotypes are shredded and a real conversation starts. A conversation that is the beginning of understanding. Which is a first phase to love. The play is ideal for high schools, colleges and regional theatres. Let the conversation begin.

  • Arianna Rose: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    Emma Goldman-Sherman is a born writer. Her imagination knows no limits and she understands how to write with theatricality and wonderment. That is so apparent in Abraham's Daughter. A female Jew from NY myself, I so resonated with this play and the underlying themes of all of us being mirrors for one another and that we aren't all that different after all. It unapologetically starts right off with magic...but then we find the real magic is in empathy and understanding another person's life. A must-read, must-produce play!

    Emma Goldman-Sherman is a born writer. Her imagination knows no limits and she understands how to write with theatricality and wonderment. That is so apparent in Abraham's Daughter. A female Jew from NY myself, I so resonated with this play and the underlying themes of all of us being mirrors for one another and that we aren't all that different after all. It unapologetically starts right off with magic...but then we find the real magic is in empathy and understanding another person's life. A must-read, must-produce play!

  • Cheryl Bear: DAUGHTERS of ABRAHAM

    To walk in the shoes of another and come to a place of understanding, a welcome gift is this play especially in the political era we live in. Perfect for any short play festival, a true gift. Love is what this play is about, love and understanding .

    To walk in the shoes of another and come to a place of understanding, a welcome gift is this play especially in the political era we live in. Perfect for any short play festival, a true gift. Love is what this play is about, love and understanding .