Recommendations of there will come a time for vengeance

  • David Winitsky: there will come a time for vengeance

    This play is exciting and transgressive in all the right ways. It’s also searching and touching and even a tearjerker. I’m thrilled by it and scared by It in equal measure, but I can’t wait to hear what people - Jewish people especially - have to say about it.

    This play is exciting and transgressive in all the right ways. It’s also searching and touching and even a tearjerker. I’m thrilled by it and scared by It in equal measure, but I can’t wait to hear what people - Jewish people especially - have to say about it.

  • Cheryl Bear: there will come a time for vengeance

    A fascinating piece of religious history and a brilliant adaptation of these classic tales from Shakespeare and Marlowe. Well done.

    A fascinating piece of religious history and a brilliant adaptation of these classic tales from Shakespeare and Marlowe. Well done.

  • Enid Brain: there will come a time for vengeance

    Angry, funny, and moving in equal measure. Marlin has created a really powerful work that I desperately hope I get to see on-stage some time soon. Our theatrical and political history is put under the microscope and the balance sheet is far from good. Marlin sets fire to the theatrical canon and makes you glad to watch it burn A powerful work

    Angry, funny, and moving in equal measure. Marlin has created a really powerful work that I desperately hope I get to see on-stage some time soon. Our theatrical and political history is put under the microscope and the balance sheet is far from good. Marlin sets fire to the theatrical canon and makes you glad to watch it burn A powerful work

  • daniella vinitski mooney: there will come a time for vengeance

    Sophisticated and cutting, alternatively imagining a crude and campy Artaudian variation of the Merchant of Venice and an ethereal philosophical and ritualistic study into the ontology of Judaism, this play meta-theatrically grapples with Jewish identity. Scenes, particularly midway and in finale, unfold in gorgeous and difficult demonstration of what it means to possess European Jewish heritage while also interrogating what it means to “pass” in a deeply antisemitic world. This challenging play is haunting and moving, and is worthy of major development and production.

    Sophisticated and cutting, alternatively imagining a crude and campy Artaudian variation of the Merchant of Venice and an ethereal philosophical and ritualistic study into the ontology of Judaism, this play meta-theatrically grapples with Jewish identity. Scenes, particularly midway and in finale, unfold in gorgeous and difficult demonstration of what it means to possess European Jewish heritage while also interrogating what it means to “pass” in a deeply antisemitic world. This challenging play is haunting and moving, and is worthy of major development and production.

  • Playwrights Foundation: there will come a time for vengeance

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, THERE WILL COME A TIME FOR VENGEANCE, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, THERE WILL COME A TIME FOR VENGEANCE, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.