Recommendations of Out

  • Debra A. Cole: Out

    A clean 60 seconds that will make any audience laugh knowing the truth of the interaction.

    A clean 60 seconds that will make any audience laugh knowing the truth of the interaction.

  • Christopher Plumridge: Out

    Yes I can attest this is spot on! Add to this their demand for a treat on every return into the house. Simple but to the point!

    Yes I can attest this is spot on! Add to this their demand for a treat on every return into the house. Simple but to the point!

  • Scott Sickles: Out

    A laugh out loud (and I mean a hearty laugh out loud) snapshot of what it’s like to be your dog’s gatekeeper human.

    Current dog owners will identify and former ones will feel a twinge of nostalgia at the frustration and the joy.

    A laugh out loud (and I mean a hearty laugh out loud) snapshot of what it’s like to be your dog’s gatekeeper human.

    Current dog owners will identify and former ones will feel a twinge of nostalgia at the frustration and the joy.

  • Jack Levine: Out

    JENNIFER O’GRADY has written EXACTLY what a dog owner feels when ‘man’s best friend’ decides then changes their mind quicker than you can say, “What?!? Again?!?” I had a good laugh reading “Out”.

    JENNIFER O’GRADY has written EXACTLY what a dog owner feels when ‘man’s best friend’ decides then changes their mind quicker than you can say, “What?!? Again?!?” I had a good laugh reading “Out”.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Out

    As a dog owner, I totally get this! (Precisely why we trained our current dog to use a litterbox!) I was smiling in recognition and nodding my head.
    I bet this would make a great short film!

    As a dog owner, I totally get this! (Precisely why we trained our current dog to use a litterbox!) I was smiling in recognition and nodding my head.
    I bet this would make a great short film!

  • Cheryl Bear: Out

    A hilariously relatable interaction between dog and dog owner. Very funny!

    A hilariously relatable interaction between dog and dog owner. Very funny!

  • Ruben Carbajal: Out

    A fun and loveable play that every dog owner will relate to. I can easily see this as the hit of any one-minute play festival.

    A fun and loveable play that every dog owner will relate to. I can easily see this as the hit of any one-minute play festival.

  • Steven G. Martin: Out

    I enjoyed watching "Out" on the YouTube video of the 2019 Gi60 U.K. Festival. Audiences laughed out loud not only at the performances, but also how relatable the action is. And I was laughing, too. O'Grady has written a comedy for everyone.

    I enjoyed watching "Out" on the YouTube video of the 2019 Gi60 U.K. Festival. Audiences laughed out loud not only at the performances, but also how relatable the action is. And I was laughing, too. O'Grady has written a comedy for everyone.

  • Matthew Weaver: Out

    I don't think there's a pet owner on the planet who would read O'Grady's fine OUT and not nod in agreement. O'Grady has a gift for looking at things from an animal's perspective - to moving effect in her monologues and to hilarious effect here. This is warm, gentle, noble and knowing. Also, it's an excellent exercise in minimalism. Any O'Grady addition to your festival or season would be a worthy one, and OUT is a perfectly wrapped treat.

    I don't think there's a pet owner on the planet who would read O'Grady's fine OUT and not nod in agreement. O'Grady has a gift for looking at things from an animal's perspective - to moving effect in her monologues and to hilarious effect here. This is warm, gentle, noble and knowing. Also, it's an excellent exercise in minimalism. Any O'Grady addition to your festival or season would be a worthy one, and OUT is a perfectly wrapped treat.