Recommendations of how it feels to fall from the sky

  • Kenneth Jones: how it feels to fall from the sky

    I fell in love with each utterly distinct character in this funny-sad-aching new play about five strangers who witness a tragedy, prompting them to seek fellowship and solace. They find personal growth, empathy and connection — things that sometimes seem unachievable in modern urban life (it’s set in NYC, natch). The inciting event in the characters’ lives is very specific, but it will bring to mind national tragedies we’ve all endured and will remind you there’s a neighbor next door ready to connect. A humor-laced drama that shimmers with intelligence and surprise.

    I fell in love with each utterly distinct character in this funny-sad-aching new play about five strangers who witness a tragedy, prompting them to seek fellowship and solace. They find personal growth, empathy and connection — things that sometimes seem unachievable in modern urban life (it’s set in NYC, natch). The inciting event in the characters’ lives is very specific, but it will bring to mind national tragedies we’ve all endured and will remind you there’s a neighbor next door ready to connect. A humor-laced drama that shimmers with intelligence and surprise.

  • Bruce Linser, Jenny Connell Davis, & Palm Beach Dramaworks: how it feels to fall from the sky

    how it feels to fall from the sky was one of five finalists that received readings during our annual New Year/New Plays Festival in January of 2022. Five disparate, emotionally cautious, and fiercely protective New Yorkers come together to wrestle with the experience of a shared tragedy, and they slowly learn how to open up, trust, connect with, and ultimately start to heal themselves and each other. A moving and funny piece about letting go and letting in.

    how it feels to fall from the sky was one of five finalists that received readings during our annual New Year/New Plays Festival in January of 2022. Five disparate, emotionally cautious, and fiercely protective New Yorkers come together to wrestle with the experience of a shared tragedy, and they slowly learn how to open up, trust, connect with, and ultimately start to heal themselves and each other. A moving and funny piece about letting go and letting in.

  • Donna Hoke: how it feels to fall from the sky

    A strong character-based examination of the difference small connections can make and how commonality can overcome disparity. I have a similarly themed play so felt this deeply. Lovely work.

    A strong character-based examination of the difference small connections can make and how commonality can overcome disparity. I have a similarly themed play so felt this deeply. Lovely work.

  • Cheryl Bear: how it feels to fall from the sky

    A powerful examination of grief, life and connection as we make sense of the journey. Well done.

    A powerful examination of grief, life and connection as we make sense of the journey. Well done.

  • Ryan Dumas: how it feels to fall from the sky

    Can death make you understand that life is worth living? Can randomness really be fate? How do we find purpose and connection when everything seems so lonely?

    I really really loved this play, and have been thinking about it ever since I first read it. I was captivated by how beautiful Dominic’s writing is. The device that brings these lonely people together is so morbid and upsetting and weird that it manages to subvert expected conventions. The gradual reveal of structure, which helps guide you through to the end, was deeply satisfying. Really moving and beautiful.

    Can death make you understand that life is worth living? Can randomness really be fate? How do we find purpose and connection when everything seems so lonely?

    I really really loved this play, and have been thinking about it ever since I first read it. I was captivated by how beautiful Dominic’s writing is. The device that brings these lonely people together is so morbid and upsetting and weird that it manages to subvert expected conventions. The gradual reveal of structure, which helps guide you through to the end, was deeply satisfying. Really moving and beautiful.

  • J. Chavez: how it feels to fall from the sky

    the language and beauty and comedy in this script is poetic. Finocchiaro captures a feeling of grief from multiple perspectives in such a way that illuminates humanity. The gritty and raw aspect of it all, truly astounding. Each character is flawed and perfect at the same time. Truly a top script in my book.

    the language and beauty and comedy in this script is poetic. Finocchiaro captures a feeling of grief from multiple perspectives in such a way that illuminates humanity. The gritty and raw aspect of it all, truly astounding. Each character is flawed and perfect at the same time. Truly a top script in my book.

  • Playwrights Foundation: how it feels to fall from the sky

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, HOW IT FEELS TO FALL FROM THE SKY, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, HOW IT FEELS TO FALL FROM THE SKY, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

  • Premiere Stages at Kean University: how it feels to fall from the sky

    Premiere Stages, the professional Equity theatre in residence at Kean University, is pleased to recognize “how it feels to fall from the sky” by Dominic Finocchiaro as a semifinalist for the 2020 Premiere Play Festival. “how it feels to fall from the sky” rose through a competitive selection process conducted by Premiere staff and a panel of outside theatre professionals to become one of 26 semifinalists out of 939 submissions. The panel was particularly impressed by this poignant and insightful play’s many unexpected laughs and quiet heartbreaks, and how seemingly disparate people come...

    Premiere Stages, the professional Equity theatre in residence at Kean University, is pleased to recognize “how it feels to fall from the sky” by Dominic Finocchiaro as a semifinalist for the 2020 Premiere Play Festival. “how it feels to fall from the sky” rose through a competitive selection process conducted by Premiere staff and a panel of outside theatre professionals to become one of 26 semifinalists out of 939 submissions. The panel was particularly impressed by this poignant and insightful play’s many unexpected laughs and quiet heartbreaks, and how seemingly disparate people come together. Our congratulations and thanks to Dominic.

  • Nick Malakhow: how it feels to fall from the sky

    This gorgeous piece mines the lives of five unique and distinct characters for a universal and powerful exploration of grief, loneliness, alienation, and the blessing of finding connection in the oddest of circumstances. Each character is vividly realized throughout the poetic yet naturalistic scenes. Finocchiaro has crafted a play whose character-driven potency would be crystal clear with bare bones production needs. The funny, heartening, and at times heartbreaking interactions between and personal moments of these humans are exquisitely chosen and impeccably paced. I would be eager to...

    This gorgeous piece mines the lives of five unique and distinct characters for a universal and powerful exploration of grief, loneliness, alienation, and the blessing of finding connection in the oddest of circumstances. Each character is vividly realized throughout the poetic yet naturalistic scenes. Finocchiaro has crafted a play whose character-driven potency would be crystal clear with bare bones production needs. The funny, heartening, and at times heartbreaking interactions between and personal moments of these humans are exquisitely chosen and impeccably paced. I would be eager to experience this sweet and melancholy play on its feet.