A Period Piece

by Megan Hoche (Bussiere)

When Kira - a newly-single and struggling entrepreneur - finds out she is pregnant, she seeks support from her mother and sister, who bring with them their own birth-related baggage. As Kira prepares to bring new life into this world, she begins to question and examine her lineage, uncovering information that will change her family dynamic forever. Meanwhile, a parallel story unfolds as we see a woman journey...

When Kira - a newly-single and struggling entrepreneur - finds out she is pregnant, she seeks support from her mother and sister, who bring with them their own birth-related baggage. As Kira prepares to bring new life into this world, she begins to question and examine her lineage, uncovering information that will change her family dynamic forever. Meanwhile, a parallel story unfolds as we see a woman journey through her own milestones across a lifespan. With each season of her life she finds herself rediscovering her own version of womanhood. Within both stories is a celebration of female empowerment, motherhood, sisterhood, and the women who lift us up.

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A Period Piece

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization The Shrill Collective, Year 2019


  • Playwrights Foundation/Bay Area Playwrights Festival
  • O'Neill National Playwrights Conference