Recommendations of Rich B*tch

  • Samantha Marchant: Rich B*tch

    Watching a character come to terms that they are only friends with the memory of the people they think are their current friends really hit. The dialogue and movement of this script are on point. How these characters wade and skip through topics is great. Lots of good stuff here.

    Watching a character come to terms that they are only friends with the memory of the people they think are their current friends really hit. The dialogue and movement of this script are on point. How these characters wade and skip through topics is great. Lots of good stuff here.

  • Jillian Leff: Rich B*tch

    Are these women bitches to each other? Absolutely. Did I laugh out loud at their biting and witty stand-offs? Also absolutely. These characters are messy, complicated, and real, which is where the true success of this script lies.

    Are these women bitches to each other? Absolutely. Did I laugh out loud at their biting and witty stand-offs? Also absolutely. These characters are messy, complicated, and real, which is where the true success of this script lies.

  • Ben F. Locke: Rich B*tch

    What a beautiful train wreck of a play! Knowing that this is a show of all women of color really just made this play that much more enjoyable! Yes, it's caddy and mean on the surface but I do enjoy the love that is there and just how messy each character is. I'd absolutely love to see a production of this show!

    What a beautiful train wreck of a play! Knowing that this is a show of all women of color really just made this play that much more enjoyable! Yes, it's caddy and mean on the surface but I do enjoy the love that is there and just how messy each character is. I'd absolutely love to see a production of this show!

  • Cheryl Bear: Rich B*tch

    A revealing look at class, race, gender and who holds the power over another. Thought provoking and well done.

    A revealing look at class, race, gender and who holds the power over another. Thought provoking and well done.

  • Nick Malakhow: Rich B*tch

    It's rare to see such complex humans trade wicked barbs, engage in discussions of power, and 'behave badly' who AREN'T cis-white-het-men. The conversations in "Rich B*tch" take on a profound depth and nuance because they're executed by women who live at such distinct identity intersections. In giving us these women, Lynett explores race, gender, power, and so much more. I felt for each character even as I reeled with the pain they sometimes inflicted on one another. The exploration of how proximity to wealth influences someone and the multitudinous ways of "being wealthy" was engrossing and...

    It's rare to see such complex humans trade wicked barbs, engage in discussions of power, and 'behave badly' who AREN'T cis-white-het-men. The conversations in "Rich B*tch" take on a profound depth and nuance because they're executed by women who live at such distinct identity intersections. In giving us these women, Lynett explores race, gender, power, and so much more. I felt for each character even as I reeled with the pain they sometimes inflicted on one another. The exploration of how proximity to wealth influences someone and the multitudinous ways of "being wealthy" was engrossing and compelling.

  • Playwrights Foundation: Rich B*tch

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, RICH B*TCH, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play, RICH B*TCH, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

  • Jamil Jude: Rich B*tch

    Broad and intimate in all of the ways a dark comedy should be. Refreshing characters that complicate traditional views on class, race, sexuality, and age. Smart writing creating fresh work for the American Theatre we want to see.

    Broad and intimate in all of the ways a dark comedy should be. Refreshing characters that complicate traditional views on class, race, sexuality, and age. Smart writing creating fresh work for the American Theatre we want to see.