A terrific character study! I love the different motivations that the three men have for believing in and tracking Big Foot, mostly because their competing voices are something we can hear in our own heads. And it’s great that when the plot makes a hairpin turn, how consistent Brody, Trip, and Cal are to their individual good-buddy orientations. PROOF OF MONSTERS, as Ruben Carbajal’s title brilliantly suggests, is as much about what’s inside than it is about outside and that's exciting!
A terrific character study! I love the different motivations that the three men have for believing in and tracking Big Foot, mostly because their competing voices are something we can hear in our own heads. And it’s great that when the plot makes a hairpin turn, how consistent Brody, Trip, and Cal are to their individual good-buddy orientations. PROOF OF MONSTERS, as Ruben Carbajal’s title brilliantly suggests, is as much about what’s inside than it is about outside and that's exciting!