Recommendations of L'HÔTEL

  • Iraisa Ann Reilly: L'HÔTEL

    The characters in this play are two comedic women who are put into a situation that is bound to get very dark. It is refreshing to see female characters who need each other more than anything else. Medina explores the intricacy and complicated reality of being a first generation American, and a mother-daughter relationship strained by cultural differences. This play constantly asks the audience to shift perspectives, address hipocracy, and like the character of Eileen, forces us to imagine their lives beyond the surface. A page turner sure to keep an audience engaged.

    The characters in this play are two comedic women who are put into a situation that is bound to get very dark. It is refreshing to see female characters who need each other more than anything else. Medina explores the intricacy and complicated reality of being a first generation American, and a mother-daughter relationship strained by cultural differences. This play constantly asks the audience to shift perspectives, address hipocracy, and like the character of Eileen, forces us to imagine their lives beyond the surface. A page turner sure to keep an audience engaged.

  • Juan Ramirez, Jr.: L'HÔTEL

    The best way to have an out-of-pond and across the pond dark comedy is to set it between a Cuban daughter and her Cuban-born mother. The action of this script is intense, with wonderful visual metaphors of merengue dancing, rosary behind the bed and the safety of strangers. Most times, it takes a bomb to go off in our hearts to push us to share the secrets that hurts us. This play has great power, so give yourself a good orgasmic stretch and prepare for Eileen and Mom to show you a mirror.

    The best way to have an out-of-pond and across the pond dark comedy is to set it between a Cuban daughter and her Cuban-born mother. The action of this script is intense, with wonderful visual metaphors of merengue dancing, rosary behind the bed and the safety of strangers. Most times, it takes a bomb to go off in our hearts to push us to share the secrets that hurts us. This play has great power, so give yourself a good orgasmic stretch and prepare for Eileen and Mom to show you a mirror.

  • Nilsa Reyna: L'HÔTEL

    The characters are rich and the dialogue specific, and I was instantly drawn into the world of the play. You know from the start that this vacation is doomed, yet you're still surprised as the action unfolds. The cast size, single location, and the complicated relationship between two mothers (who also happen to be mother/daughter), make this an ideal play to produce.

    The characters are rich and the dialogue specific, and I was instantly drawn into the world of the play. You know from the start that this vacation is doomed, yet you're still surprised as the action unfolds. The cast size, single location, and the complicated relationship between two mothers (who also happen to be mother/daughter), make this an ideal play to produce.

  • David Davila: L'HÔTEL

    Holy smokes! This play is amazing! I immediately fell in love with Eileen, her Cuban mother, and their complicated relationship which plays out on a doomed girls trip to Paris. I was not ready for the first shocking twist, OR the second shocking twist, and I was not emotionally prepared for the reveal of their dark secrets. This is an epic, emotional, rollercoaster ride, that forces audiences to look closer at their generational traumas caused by religion, society, and family. With three characters and one location it's the PERFECT play to produce! Bravo!

    Holy smokes! This play is amazing! I immediately fell in love with Eileen, her Cuban mother, and their complicated relationship which plays out on a doomed girls trip to Paris. I was not ready for the first shocking twist, OR the second shocking twist, and I was not emotionally prepared for the reveal of their dark secrets. This is an epic, emotional, rollercoaster ride, that forces audiences to look closer at their generational traumas caused by religion, society, and family. With three characters and one location it's the PERFECT play to produce! Bravo!

  • Alisha Espinosa: L'HÔTEL

    Medina creates a pressure cooker situation for any mother-daughter, but especially for a mother and daughter who are struggling with so many unsaid questions and fears. Simultaneously, you can see the story of two generations and the war between their values. But is this war anyone can actually win?

    Medina creates a pressure cooker situation for any mother-daughter, but especially for a mother and daughter who are struggling with so many unsaid questions and fears. Simultaneously, you can see the story of two generations and the war between their values. But is this war anyone can actually win?