Smoke and Mirrors

by Chelsea Frandsen

Connection is something all human beings crave. Especially with those we love. There is nothing more painful than a disconnect. Particularly with those we love. Dayton needs permission. Cal needs to let go. Naomi and Becca need to help them figure it out. And Kevin? He just wishes someone would listen.

Connection is something all human beings crave. Especially with those we love. There is nothing more painful than a disconnect. Particularly with those we love. Dayton needs permission. Cal needs to let go. Naomi and Becca need to help them figure it out. And Kevin? He just wishes someone would listen.

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Smoke and Mirrors

Recommended by

  • Alex Cafe: Smoke and Mirrors

    Smoke and Mirrors represents and interesting take on the difficulties of letting go and moving on. Frandsen encapsulates the struggle of understanding that, while a person may be gone, their influence on lives cannot be understated. Excellently done.

    Smoke and Mirrors represents and interesting take on the difficulties of letting go and moving on. Frandsen encapsulates the struggle of understanding that, while a person may be gone, their influence on lives cannot be understated. Excellently done.

  • Paul Donnelly: Smoke and Mirrors

    Smoke and Mirrors is a poignant play of compelling humanity. The characters are richly drawn and sympathetic even when their needs and intentions are at odds. The central narrative about letting go is enriched by revelatory excursions into the characters' lives and pasts. This is ultimately a wise and moving play about love, its pain and its joy.

    Smoke and Mirrors is a poignant play of compelling humanity. The characters are richly drawn and sympathetic even when their needs and intentions are at odds. The central narrative about letting go is enriched by revelatory excursions into the characters' lives and pasts. This is ultimately a wise and moving play about love, its pain and its joy.

  • Ky Weeks: Smoke and Mirrors

    A play that delves into the hard necessity of letting go, while also being a poignant acknowledgement of the need to keep holding on, to keep struggling despite the pain it causes. Frandsen writes characters who fervently wish to communicate each other, and yet, through many layers of distance, from emotional to metaphysical, cannot.

    A play that delves into the hard necessity of letting go, while also being a poignant acknowledgement of the need to keep holding on, to keep struggling despite the pain it causes. Frandsen writes characters who fervently wish to communicate each other, and yet, through many layers of distance, from emotional to metaphysical, cannot.

View all 12 recommendations

Character Information

Characters can be played by actors of any age, should the production team deem it appropriate.
Color blind and diverse casting highly encouraged. Characters in the script can be portrayed as either male or female, with appropriate name adjustments, i.e.:
Dayton: Deanna, Dana, Di, etc.
Becca: Becket, Bailey, Ben, etc.
Kevin: Keeley, Kenna, Kaci, etc.
Naomi: Nat, Neil, Nolan, Nick, etc.
Cal: Callie, Carrie, Carla, etc.

  • Dayton
    Cal's brother, caught between life and death
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    but may be played as female with appropriate script changes
  • Becca
    befriended by Dayton, caught in the same position as Dayton
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    but may be played as male with appropriate script changes
  • Cal
    Dayton’s brother, caught between life and guilt
    Character Age
    mid 20s, mid 30s
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    but may be played as female with appropriate script changes
  • Naomi
    Cal’s fiance, caught between love and loss
    Character Age
    mid 20s, early 30s
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    but may be played as male with appropriate script changes
  • Kevin
    just caught, sometimes visible, and sometimes not
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
    but may be played as female with appropriate script changes

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Play Readings With Friends, New York, NY, Year 2021
  • Type Reading, Organization Readings for a New World, Arizona, Year 2020

Production History

  • Type University, Organization Temple University Side Stage, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Year 2022
  • Type University, Organization Fourteenth Grade Players, George Washington University, Year 2024