Recommendations of Three Drunk Poets Find God

  • Paul Donnelly: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    "Read. His. Poetry." Such a simple command, but one Charlie ignores in favor of his favorite pastime, drinking, There is much humor mined from Charlie, Will, and Em's failure to channel their namesake poets and in Charlie and Will's ultimate abandonment of their literary project. This is a most amusing alcohol-fueled spoof of academic pretensions meeting youthful folly.

    "Read. His. Poetry." Such a simple command, but one Charlie ignores in favor of his favorite pastime, drinking, There is much humor mined from Charlie, Will, and Em's failure to channel their namesake poets and in Charlie and Will's ultimate abandonment of their literary project. This is a most amusing alcohol-fueled spoof of academic pretensions meeting youthful folly.

  • Courtenay Schembri Gray: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    I am first and foremost a poet myself, so this is RIGHT up my alley. Literary humour is my favourite kind!

    I am first and foremost a poet myself, so this is RIGHT up my alley. Literary humour is my favourite kind!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    We are often told to 'get into the minds of writers' these two students take this litteraly and head for the woods armed with plenty of wine. Their acting is fun, they are enjoying the olde worlde language, that is until a certain Emily Dickinson comes along to kick in some reality!
    Research is best left to the night before the test, which is why I failed English Literature at school....
    Love it!

    We are often told to 'get into the minds of writers' these two students take this litteraly and head for the woods armed with plenty of wine. Their acting is fun, they are enjoying the olde worlde language, that is until a certain Emily Dickinson comes along to kick in some reality!
    Research is best left to the night before the test, which is why I failed English Literature at school....
    Love it!

  • Steven G. Martin: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    Earnest and sweet, "Three Drunk Poets Find God" is imaginative praise of college-age friendships, daffy plans to complete class assignments, alcohol, and poetry.

    Chris Gacinski hits just the right notes in this 10-minute comedy: the frustrations of academic work, the joy of experiencing other people's perspectives, and the easy argumentative banter among friends.

    Producing this short play would be easy, and actors and directors would love to explore the characters and their relationships.

    Earnest and sweet, "Three Drunk Poets Find God" is imaginative praise of college-age friendships, daffy plans to complete class assignments, alcohol, and poetry.

    Chris Gacinski hits just the right notes in this 10-minute comedy: the frustrations of academic work, the joy of experiencing other people's perspectives, and the easy argumentative banter among friends.

    Producing this short play would be easy, and actors and directors would love to explore the characters and their relationships.

  • Claudia Haas: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    As a former college student who found ways to mimic every literature icon to mine an “A,” this play has found me out. Booze, a wooded area and three college students find poetry in maybe the way it was meant to be found. Under the influence of ... the natural world. Kudos to Gacinsk for finding the true joy in poetry and the poets.

    As a former college student who found ways to mimic every literature icon to mine an “A,” this play has found me out. Booze, a wooded area and three college students find poetry in maybe the way it was meant to be found. Under the influence of ... the natural world. Kudos to Gacinsk for finding the true joy in poetry and the poets.

  • Tom Cavanaugh: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    What do you get when you put three very famous playwrights all in one play? A lot of laughs that make you think…. “What if they all met?” This play is a gem in 8 pages! Funny and so believable that you know if all three had met in real life… THIS IS THE WAY IT WOULD BE! Each character has their own clear and distinct voice with hints of their life story! A great show for students at any level and of course what festival wouldn’t want the spirits of these celebrity playwrights on their stage!

    What do you get when you put three very famous playwrights all in one play? A lot of laughs that make you think…. “What if they all met?” This play is a gem in 8 pages! Funny and so believable that you know if all three had met in real life… THIS IS THE WAY IT WOULD BE! Each character has their own clear and distinct voice with hints of their life story! A great show for students at any level and of course what festival wouldn’t want the spirits of these celebrity playwrights on their stage!

  • Marjorie Bicknell: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    “We must imbibe and quaff in the blood of Jesus.” With an opening line like that you simply must read on! This play is a delight. Full of sweet little twists that keep you wondering where you’re going... until you get there. Three great poets. Three great friends all carefully drawn and sympathetic. Charlie sure has found an inventive way to get inside a poet’s head. Highly recommended!

    “We must imbibe and quaff in the blood of Jesus.” With an opening line like that you simply must read on! This play is a delight. Full of sweet little twists that keep you wondering where you’re going... until you get there. Three great poets. Three great friends all carefully drawn and sympathetic. Charlie sure has found an inventive way to get inside a poet’s head. Highly recommended!

  • Dave Osmundsen: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    A brief, yet delightful romp of a play. Gacinski gives each of his three characters distinct, yet believable voices that combined old-fashioned speech with contemporary patois. Fans of Bukowski, Shakespeare, and/or Dickinson will definitely appreciate this piece.

    A brief, yet delightful romp of a play. Gacinski gives each of his three characters distinct, yet believable voices that combined old-fashioned speech with contemporary patois. Fans of Bukowski, Shakespeare, and/or Dickinson will definitely appreciate this piece.

  • Eytan Deray: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    A funny absurdist spoof written by a playwright who clearly appreciates the literary figures he is lampooning. Once again, Chris Gacinski weaves poetry and drama into a seamless tapestry!

    A funny absurdist spoof written by a playwright who clearly appreciates the literary figures he is lampooning. Once again, Chris Gacinski weaves poetry and drama into a seamless tapestry!

  • Doug DeVita: Three Drunk Poets Find God

    Three poets wander into a wood... and the punch lines write themselves in this imaginative, literate, and howlingly funny short in which Gacinski does what he does best: mix poetry and drama seamlessly into stylish theatricality.

    Three poets wander into a wood... and the punch lines write themselves in this imaginative, literate, and howlingly funny short in which Gacinski does what he does best: mix poetry and drama seamlessly into stylish theatricality.