Recommendations of 1900s Women Bonding

  • Jack Haji: 1900s Women Bonding

    I had the pleasure of directing this play at a one-act play festival this year and could not have picked a better play to capture a haunting actuality overshadowed by ridiculous comedy. A commentary on the treatment of women in the 1900s, this play completely masks the emotions of the characters behind a strange, sparkly, pink, girly, hazy facade of "this is fine." If you are looking for a familiar-feeling period piece henpecked by modern humor, this is the play for you.

    I had the pleasure of directing this play at a one-act play festival this year and could not have picked a better play to capture a haunting actuality overshadowed by ridiculous comedy. A commentary on the treatment of women in the 1900s, this play completely masks the emotions of the characters behind a strange, sparkly, pink, girly, hazy facade of "this is fine." If you are looking for a familiar-feeling period piece henpecked by modern humor, this is the play for you.

  • Stephen Kaplan: 1900s Women Bonding

    I'm constantly in love with and delighted by Weingarten's plays. This play was selected as part of our student-directed one-act play festival and was well received by the audience and the cast and director had a blast working on it. The irreverence of the piece makes it "hysterical" and sadly still completely relevant.

    I'm constantly in love with and delighted by Weingarten's plays. This play was selected as part of our student-directed one-act play festival and was well received by the audience and the cast and director had a blast working on it. The irreverence of the piece makes it "hysterical" and sadly still completely relevant.

  • Ross Peter Nelson: 1900s Women Bonding

    Hilarious overlay of 1900 era reality and modern attitude.

    Hilarious overlay of 1900 era reality and modern attitude.

  • Christopher Plumridge: 1900s Women Bonding

    This short play would be hilarious (and indeed it is) if it were not such a true reflection of life for women in the early 1900's.
    The whimsy of these two ladies conversation on their porch is a true delight and you can't help but feel sorry for them, yet admire their resolve.
    Love it!

    This short play would be hilarious (and indeed it is) if it were not such a true reflection of life for women in the early 1900's.
    The whimsy of these two ladies conversation on their porch is a true delight and you can't help but feel sorry for them, yet admire their resolve.
    Love it!

  • Sullivan Mackintosh: 1900s Women Bonding

    Biting and funny -- great opportunities for actors and designers to go all out.

    Biting and funny -- great opportunities for actors and designers to go all out.

  • Angele Maraj: 1900s Women Bonding

    A quick, quippy satire about coping (barely, not really) when your personhood is treated like a favor at best and a nuisance at worst.

    A quick, quippy satire about coping (barely, not really) when your personhood is treated like a favor at best and a nuisance at worst.

  • Kailey Correa: 1900s Women Bonding

    This play was absolutely hilarious, I truly enjoyed the self- awareness and yet complete oblivion about their situation. Smiling through the pain with sarcasm and quips.

    This play was absolutely hilarious, I truly enjoyed the self- awareness and yet complete oblivion about their situation. Smiling through the pain with sarcasm and quips.

  • Debra A. Cole: 1900s Women Bonding

    The sea sounds lovely as does the tea.... That is my new answer after recent choices our brave men have made for us. Thank you, Catherine for helping us see the way to happiness.

    The sea sounds lovely as does the tea.... That is my new answer after recent choices our brave men have made for us. Thank you, Catherine for helping us see the way to happiness.

  • Steven G. Martin: 1900s Women Bonding

    Dark, satiric content beneath a bubblegum pink, or wallpaper yellow, veneer.

    Catherine Weingarten's dialogue is tremendous and I love the few anachronistic flourishes that will make a person question just when in the 1900s "1900s Women Bonding" is set ... or lead a person to realize this has been the reality for several, several years.

    Dark, satiric content beneath a bubblegum pink, or wallpaper yellow, veneer.

    Catherine Weingarten's dialogue is tremendous and I love the few anachronistic flourishes that will make a person question just when in the 1900s "1900s Women Bonding" is set ... or lead a person to realize this has been the reality for several, several years.

  • Cheryl Bear: 1900s Women Bonding

    An existence that, after Roe V. Wade has been overturned, is not too distant. Their fate is not their choice, but golly will they put on a smile.

    An existence that, after Roe V. Wade has been overturned, is not too distant. Their fate is not their choice, but golly will they put on a smile.