Recommendations of Don't Laugh. It's Funny.

  • The Strides Collective : Don't Laugh. It's Funny.

    Don't Lugh. It's Funny. was included in The Strides Collective's 2021 Spring Virtual New Play Development Residency. Foster has nailed the two-hander with his open-heart and fearlessness. This play embraces mental illness and queerness in a stunning way, featuring two characters with huge hearts and big minds.

    Don't Lugh. It's Funny. was included in The Strides Collective's 2021 Spring Virtual New Play Development Residency. Foster has nailed the two-hander with his open-heart and fearlessness. This play embraces mental illness and queerness in a stunning way, featuring two characters with huge hearts and big minds.

  • Doug DeVita: Don't Laugh. It's Funny.

    A stunner. What could have been chaotic and depressing is buoyed by Foster's snappy inventiveness; a dark story, yes, but told with such a light, almost stream-of-consciousness air that we laugh even as we choke back tears and/or gasp in horror. A wonderful showcase for two actors, and a gift for an imaginative director.

    A stunner. What could have been chaotic and depressing is buoyed by Foster's snappy inventiveness; a dark story, yes, but told with such a light, almost stream-of-consciousness air that we laugh even as we choke back tears and/or gasp in horror. A wonderful showcase for two actors, and a gift for an imaginative director.

  • Cheryl Bear: Don't Laugh. It's Funny.

    The narrative on this is just fantastic. A great look into the effects of the highs and lows of depression, anxiety, grief, and loneliness on mental health. With the right touches of humor, it's moving and extremely effective. Incredibly moving and well done!

    The narrative on this is just fantastic. A great look into the effects of the highs and lows of depression, anxiety, grief, and loneliness on mental health. With the right touches of humor, it's moving and extremely effective. Incredibly moving and well done!

  • Nick Malakhow: Don't Laugh. It's Funny.

    A fantastically-written, hilarious, and poignant roller coaster ride. Foster explores mental health in young adulthood, relationships/connection, mortality, alienation, anxiety, and loneliness--huge and weighty topics--in a piece that focuses on the complex humanity of its protagonist and that never exploits his pain. Tom's relationship with Oliver is full of so many carefully chosen and relatable observational details that it's both hyper-specific and achingly universal. Foster captures subtly Tom's impacts on Oliver as well as the complex, contradictory inner life that represents Tom's...

    A fantastically-written, hilarious, and poignant roller coaster ride. Foster explores mental health in young adulthood, relationships/connection, mortality, alienation, anxiety, and loneliness--huge and weighty topics--in a piece that focuses on the complex humanity of its protagonist and that never exploits his pain. Tom's relationship with Oliver is full of so many carefully chosen and relatable observational details that it's both hyper-specific and achingly universal. Foster captures subtly Tom's impacts on Oliver as well as the complex, contradictory inner life that represents Tom's desires to live and love, and the weight and guilt of trying to do just that.