Recommendations of Santa's Dolphins

  • Karen Ruetz: Santa's Dolphins

    Patrick manages to pack a lot into a short and very funny play! Some serious topics done in a hilarious way. Great fun for a short play festival any time of year!

    Patrick manages to pack a lot into a short and very funny play! Some serious topics done in a hilarious way. Great fun for a short play festival any time of year!

  • Cheryl Bear: Santa's Dolphins

    Perhaps magic dolphins will be the future transport of Santa! Wonderfully imaginative and entertaining!

    Perhaps magic dolphins will be the future transport of Santa! Wonderfully imaginative and entertaining!

  • David Beardsley: Santa's Dolphins

    This is so much more than a light-hearted comedy (though it's absolutely hilarious). Patrick Gabridge has a real knack for finding complexity and depth behind the humor. As we laugh at the notion of Santa's sleigh being pulled by dolphins while a couple of bitter, jobless reindeer drown their sorrows in egg nog, we find ourselves suddenly confronted by the notion that climate change is coming and, as Gabridge's characters finally realize, "we're all in this together." Ho, ho... oh.

    This is so much more than a light-hearted comedy (though it's absolutely hilarious). Patrick Gabridge has a real knack for finding complexity and depth behind the humor. As we laugh at the notion of Santa's sleigh being pulled by dolphins while a couple of bitter, jobless reindeer drown their sorrows in egg nog, we find ourselves suddenly confronted by the notion that climate change is coming and, as Gabridge's characters finally realize, "we're all in this together." Ho, ho... oh.

  • Donna Hoke: Santa's Dolphins

    A holiday comedy about global warming? Leave it to Patrick to pull that off with lots of laughs and subtle caution--and star-crossed lovers too! Great holiday festival pick!

    A holiday comedy about global warming? Leave it to Patrick to pull that off with lots of laughs and subtle caution--and star-crossed lovers too! Great holiday festival pick!

  • Mara Dresner: Santa's Dolphins

    I believe, I believe!! What a sweet, funny, charming play! Yup, the world has indeed changed - so glad there are plays like this to bring us joy!

    I believe, I believe!! What a sweet, funny, charming play! Yup, the world has indeed changed - so glad there are plays like this to bring us joy!

  • John Minigan: Santa's Dolphins

    This play manages to be delightful, funny, and cautionary all at the same time. It's a rom-com that makes the case that differences don't have to divide us, and a warning about the changes we're causing in the natural world. An outstanding short piece that entertains and stays with you.

    This play manages to be delightful, funny, and cautionary all at the same time. It's a rom-com that makes the case that differences don't have to divide us, and a warning about the changes we're causing in the natural world. An outstanding short piece that entertains and stays with you.

  • Stephanie Alison Walker: Santa's Dolphins

    Something that seems so absurd at first glance- Santa's reindeers being replaced by dolphins- makes so much sense in a world without glaciers. For all the charm and humor and laugh out loud moments (there are plenty and I don't want to spoil them by calling them out,) it's really a touching story about forbidden love and a cautionary tale about global warming.

    Something that seems so absurd at first glance- Santa's reindeers being replaced by dolphins- makes so much sense in a world without glaciers. For all the charm and humor and laugh out loud moments (there are plenty and I don't want to spoil them by calling them out,) it's really a touching story about forbidden love and a cautionary tale about global warming.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Santa's Dolphins

    Gabridge really pulled me into this one and then wowed me with the beautiful metaphor! A must-read! A must-produce! Heart-warming! Funny rom-com of a holiday play! What more could anyone want????? Seriously on-message! It slices, it dices, I am totally impressed.

    Gabridge really pulled me into this one and then wowed me with the beautiful metaphor! A must-read! A must-produce! Heart-warming! Funny rom-com of a holiday play! What more could anyone want????? Seriously on-message! It slices, it dices, I am totally impressed.

  • Claudia Haas: Santa's Dolphins

    This is one clever little ditty. Gift wrapped in a tale of magical dolphins replacing flying reindeer, Gabridge gives us so much more. This is a romantic comedy of forbidden love complete with a bow. But the romance is secondary. What matters is the tale of acceptance coupled with a fantastical consequence of climate change. A short play with long-reaching themes.

    This is one clever little ditty. Gift wrapped in a tale of magical dolphins replacing flying reindeer, Gabridge gives us so much more. This is a romantic comedy of forbidden love complete with a bow. But the romance is secondary. What matters is the tale of acceptance coupled with a fantastical consequence of climate change. A short play with long-reaching themes.