Recommendations of SWAY

  • Christian Flynn: SWAY

    Fantastic! Don't let it's internet clothing fool you, SWAY is a thinly veiled dark 70's sex-thriller. Fantastic, terrifying, hilarious, bloody and creepy as hell — SWAY is what theatre is all about.

    Fantastic! Don't let it's internet clothing fool you, SWAY is a thinly veiled dark 70's sex-thriller. Fantastic, terrifying, hilarious, bloody and creepy as hell — SWAY is what theatre is all about.

  • Henri Sudy: SWAY

    Manipulation has never looked so sexy.

    Part dark comedy, part influencer's wet dream, with just a dash of meta-textual take-down, this play redefines what a locked-room mystery can be.

    SWAY will keep you on your toes and hanging on every word.

    Manipulation has never looked so sexy.

    Part dark comedy, part influencer's wet dream, with just a dash of meta-textual take-down, this play redefines what a locked-room mystery can be.

    SWAY will keep you on your toes and hanging on every word.

  • Jan Rosenberg: SWAY

    "Do you think this place is haunted? Because of my god. If it is, that'll be great content". A thrilling, disturbing play about the dangers of influencer culture and the contentless-ness of 'content'. And how influencers are not totally unlike cult leaders. In the age of Fyre Fest and Caroline Calloway, this play is eerily plausible. And Poppy as the soundtrack for EVERY PLAY, please.

    "Do you think this place is haunted? Because of my god. If it is, that'll be great content". A thrilling, disturbing play about the dangers of influencer culture and the contentless-ness of 'content'. And how influencers are not totally unlike cult leaders. In the age of Fyre Fest and Caroline Calloway, this play is eerily plausible. And Poppy as the soundtrack for EVERY PLAY, please.

  • Riley Elton McCarthy: SWAY

    This play is both the most camp take on influencers and the scariest take on influencers and both are true and expose the underbelly of the cultlike mentality of these 'influencer' co-living spaces and is just absolutely bone chilling but simultaneously the funniest thing... this is a play that lives rent free in my brain and will for a while.

    This play is both the most camp take on influencers and the scariest take on influencers and both are true and expose the underbelly of the cultlike mentality of these 'influencer' co-living spaces and is just absolutely bone chilling but simultaneously the funniest thing... this is a play that lives rent free in my brain and will for a while.

  • Samantha Marchant: SWAY

    This play is so so good. SMJ created a delicious powderkeg of characters and situations. Moments of this play are sure to stick with you for a long time.

    This play is so so good. SMJ created a delicious powderkeg of characters and situations. Moments of this play are sure to stick with you for a long time.

  • Lee R. Lawing: SWAY

    I always thought that these "influencers" could be the downfall of our society or lead us all toward a new religion and after reading SMJ.'s Sway, I'd lean toward the horrific outcome of religion as so many people cannot start their day or pass one single one without checking in on these people living their best lives for the "benefit" of all those around them. False prophets come in so many disguises and shapes and these "influencers" are in spreading their messages to the dumb masses like candy.

    I always thought that these "influencers" could be the downfall of our society or lead us all toward a new religion and after reading SMJ.'s Sway, I'd lean toward the horrific outcome of religion as so many people cannot start their day or pass one single one without checking in on these people living their best lives for the "benefit" of all those around them. False prophets come in so many disguises and shapes and these "influencers" are in spreading their messages to the dumb masses like candy.

  • Catherine Weingarten: SWAY

    This play is fun, flashy, weird, freaky and theatrical af. SMJ pulls back the curtain on influencer culture and takes us on a surreal horror movie like journey of the anxiety of trying to seem hot and #grateful all the time. And the ending!!! It’s a stunnerrr. This play is relevant, thought provoking and demanding a production

    This play is fun, flashy, weird, freaky and theatrical af. SMJ pulls back the curtain on influencer culture and takes us on a surreal horror movie like journey of the anxiety of trying to seem hot and #grateful all the time. And the ending!!! It’s a stunnerrr. This play is relevant, thought provoking and demanding a production

  • The Workshop Theater: SWAY

    The Workshop Theater is pleased to recognize SMJ as a playwright selected out of a competitive pool of applicants for our Spring 2021 Writer’s Intensive. The Writer’s Intensive is an eight-week long, playwright-driven process geared towards revising an existing play. SWAY is a biting satire that interrogates the similarities between religious cults and modern influencer culture. This deft horror-comedy gives its ensemble pathos and bathos in equal measure in service of a truly memorable finale. Our congratulations and thanks to SMJ.

    The Workshop Theater is pleased to recognize SMJ as a playwright selected out of a competitive pool of applicants for our Spring 2021 Writer’s Intensive. The Writer’s Intensive is an eight-week long, playwright-driven process geared towards revising an existing play. SWAY is a biting satire that interrogates the similarities between religious cults and modern influencer culture. This deft horror-comedy gives its ensemble pathos and bathos in equal measure in service of a truly memorable finale. Our congratulations and thanks to SMJ.

  • Kate Busselle: SWAY

    This play was absolutely everything I hoped it would be. It left me absolutely breathless when I finished reading. This play beautifully eviscerates influencer culture!

    This play was absolutely everything I hoped it would be. It left me absolutely breathless when I finished reading. This play beautifully eviscerates influencer culture!

  • Lizz Mangan: SWAY

    Queer, sexy, horrifying (but like, in a horny way) and all around masterful, SMJ has crafted an ominous narrative that totally blows up how terrifyingly powerful our digital world has become, with the added bonus of some good old fashioned cult mentality.

    Queer, sexy, horrifying (but like, in a horny way) and all around masterful, SMJ has crafted an ominous narrative that totally blows up how terrifyingly powerful our digital world has become, with the added bonus of some good old fashioned cult mentality.