TEN MINUTE: Holed up in an abandoned theatre in a possible future, Hope, Joy, and Sam witness a supernatural encounter that has them questioning everything.
TEN MINUTE: Holed up in an abandoned theatre in a possible future, Hope, Joy, and Sam witness a supernatural encounter that has them questioning everything.
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Ghosts From Beyond the Apocalypse
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Max Langert:
Ghosts From Beyond the Apocalypse
by Hayley Haggerty
A creepy, post-apocalyptic adventure where a married couple runs into someone from their past and someone from the future, just as dread approaches right beyond the door. A psychological scene with twists that feels both contemporary and futuristic at the same time. We root for these characters to stay safe and stay connected.
A creepy, post-apocalyptic adventure where a married couple runs into someone from their past and someone from the future, just as dread approaches right beyond the door. A psychological scene with twists that feels both contemporary and futuristic at the same time. We root for these characters to stay safe and stay connected.
Character Information
Just trying to survive. Joy's wife.
Character Age
Late twenties
Character Gender Identity
Can be played by:
Actor Age
Actor Gender Identity
Hope’s wife. Also just trying to survive, but more optimistic about it.