Recommendations of SEEN

  • Morey Norkin: SEEN

    Neil Radtke brings the tension and humor in equal measures leading to a stunning reveal and an even more surprising conclusion. Brilliant!

    Neil Radtke brings the tension and humor in equal measures leading to a stunning reveal and an even more surprising conclusion. Brilliant!

  • Daniel Prillaman: SEEN

    Poor Sarah. This is a very fun and bloody send up of our favorite torture porn franchise. The mix of comedy and horror is perfect, and the roles would be so enjoyable for two actors to dive into. Jigsaw would be proud, especially because of that final twist.

    Poor Sarah. This is a very fun and bloody send up of our favorite torture porn franchise. The mix of comedy and horror is perfect, and the roles would be so enjoyable for two actors to dive into. Jigsaw would be proud, especially because of that final twist.

  • Michele Clarke: SEEN

    Taut, tension-filled humor with great possibilities for non-verbal subtext and foreshadowing. Neil Radtke kills it with this 10-minute gift to audiences and the actors who'll perform it (especially the one who plays Angela).

    Taut, tension-filled humor with great possibilities for non-verbal subtext and foreshadowing. Neil Radtke kills it with this 10-minute gift to audiences and the actors who'll perform it (especially the one who plays Angela).

  • Brenton Kniess: SEEN

    “WOW!” Is what I exclaimed when I finished reading this! The comedy is so irreverent and Radtke takes those moments to let you laugh even though it might seem uncomfortable, that’s the whole point and what makes this piece a gem! I loved the way the play unfolds. The reveals are very nicely developed and executed. Would LOVE to this staged!

    “WOW!” Is what I exclaimed when I finished reading this! The comedy is so irreverent and Radtke takes those moments to let you laugh even though it might seem uncomfortable, that’s the whole point and what makes this piece a gem! I loved the way the play unfolds. The reveals are very nicely developed and executed. Would LOVE to this staged!

  • Anastasia Wild: SEEN

    In case you didn't know you could laugh out loud while getting the chills from a horror story, SEEN is the evidence you can. A quick, witty approach with an excellent twist, this horror comedy is certain to capture the audiences' emotions.

    In case you didn't know you could laugh out loud while getting the chills from a horror story, SEEN is the evidence you can. A quick, witty approach with an excellent twist, this horror comedy is certain to capture the audiences' emotions.

  • Greg Mandryk: SEEN

    Neil Radtke has miraculously condensed the essence of all forty-seven SAW movies into a tight ten-minute play and then thrown in some hilarious gags for good measure. Save yourself eighty-six and a half hours of movie watching and read SEEN instead!

    Neil Radtke has miraculously condensed the essence of all forty-seven SAW movies into a tight ten-minute play and then thrown in some hilarious gags for good measure. Save yourself eighty-six and a half hours of movie watching and read SEEN instead!

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: SEEN

    This is what horror theatre can be! The pressure of the clock ticking, the knowledge we WILL witness the end of a character's life, but not knowing which one...absolutely building the tension until the last minute. This is pure horror!

    This is what horror theatre can be! The pressure of the clock ticking, the knowledge we WILL witness the end of a character's life, but not knowing which one...absolutely building the tension until the last minute. This is pure horror!

  • Giulianna Marchese: SEEN

    This play evokes Squid Games in the beginning and Murder on the Orient Express by the end. All with a comedic twist. Really enjoyed this read!

    This play evokes Squid Games in the beginning and Murder on the Orient Express by the end. All with a comedic twist. Really enjoyed this read!

  • Charles Scott Jones: SEEN

    The things that Angela and Charles endure together. Within the final room is the relief of having “no evil machete-wielding robot mimes," among other spoofs of horror film tropes. Really admire that with SEEN (Seen-Saw?) Neil Radtke has cut through all the givens of great campy horror and given us instead the final scene which is a doozy. Fine twisty work.

    The things that Angela and Charles endure together. Within the final room is the relief of having “no evil machete-wielding robot mimes," among other spoofs of horror film tropes. Really admire that with SEEN (Seen-Saw?) Neil Radtke has cut through all the givens of great campy horror and given us instead the final scene which is a doozy. Fine twisty work.

  • John Busser: SEEN

    A fun little "Saw"-inspired scare show. With ups and downs and fast changing curves like a roller coaster there are thrills, chills, spills (bloody ones), and kills. Neil Radtke gets you thinking this will be a fun spoof, and then, like a killer jumping from the shadows, he thrusts the cold hard knife into your gut with a twist ending. Creepy and cool!

    A fun little "Saw"-inspired scare show. With ups and downs and fast changing curves like a roller coaster there are thrills, chills, spills (bloody ones), and kills. Neil Radtke gets you thinking this will be a fun spoof, and then, like a killer jumping from the shadows, he thrusts the cold hard knife into your gut with a twist ending. Creepy and cool!