Recommendations of Sundown Town

  • Seth McNeill: Sundown Town

    A Zoom play that actually makes effective use of the form (though it works in front of a live audience as well). What starts as a sex comedy ends with a beautiful moment of human connection, a moment of hope transcending horror. As usual with Scott's work, his characters speak with a hyper-intelligence that weaves the intellectual with the poetic. A healthy dose of pop culture jokes and sexual innuendo entertain and at the same time make the impact of the heavy subject matter more acute.

    A Zoom play that actually makes effective use of the form (though it works in front of a live audience as well). What starts as a sex comedy ends with a beautiful moment of human connection, a moment of hope transcending horror. As usual with Scott's work, his characters speak with a hyper-intelligence that weaves the intellectual with the poetic. A healthy dose of pop culture jokes and sexual innuendo entertain and at the same time make the impact of the heavy subject matter more acute.

  • Jan Probst: Sundown Town

    This beautifully nuanced story underscores the connection between two young men trying to find their way in a country that continually threatens their very existence. The heartbreaking and tragically relevant history of a Sundown Town is all too real for these young black men, failed by the very institutions that should offer refuge and support. This play needs to be staged.

    This beautifully nuanced story underscores the connection between two young men trying to find their way in a country that continually threatens their very existence. The heartbreaking and tragically relevant history of a Sundown Town is all too real for these young black men, failed by the very institutions that should offer refuge and support. This play needs to be staged.

  • Jasmine Spiess: Sundown Town

    This play is so heartbreaking on so many levels… Two men trying to connect, trying to find solace in each other, but also acknowledging the harsh realities of being a person of color in the US. One of the most poignant parts for me was hearing the vivid dreams and that they were all real, leading to the metaphor of America as a “Sundown Town”. This is brilliant and brave work that should be widely produced. Congrats on your workshop at VTC!

    This play is so heartbreaking on so many levels… Two men trying to connect, trying to find solace in each other, but also acknowledging the harsh realities of being a person of color in the US. One of the most poignant parts for me was hearing the vivid dreams and that they were all real, leading to the metaphor of America as a “Sundown Town”. This is brilliant and brave work that should be widely produced. Congrats on your workshop at VTC!

  • Michael C. O'Day: Sundown Town

    A heartbreaking tale of two young men coping with life in this country today, or at least not very long ago - the pandemic, the never-ending tide of racism, and the educational structures that should offer a means of correcting these ills but somehow never manage to achieve that. It's grounded in two of the most vivid, detailed, and empathetic characterizations I've seen on stage in a good long while. Beautiful.

    A heartbreaking tale of two young men coping with life in this country today, or at least not very long ago - the pandemic, the never-ending tide of racism, and the educational structures that should offer a means of correcting these ills but somehow never manage to achieve that. It's grounded in two of the most vivid, detailed, and empathetic characterizations I've seen on stage in a good long while. Beautiful.

  • Arthur M Jolly: Sundown Town

    I saw the reading at the Valdez Theatre Conference, and it brought tears to my eyes. This is a powerful, important, brilliant piece of work. The sexual tension between the two characters - and the use of that connection as a deflection and as a coping mechanism - is nuanced and as multi-faceted as a diamond. The analogies - of America as a sundown town; of holding in a scream while gas fills a building... stunning. This play needs to be produced.

    I saw the reading at the Valdez Theatre Conference, and it brought tears to my eyes. This is a powerful, important, brilliant piece of work. The sexual tension between the two characters - and the use of that connection as a deflection and as a coping mechanism - is nuanced and as multi-faceted as a diamond. The analogies - of America as a sundown town; of holding in a scream while gas fills a building... stunning. This play needs to be produced.

  • Sarah Tuft: Sundown Town

    A breathtakingly tender and extraordinarily intimate coming-of-age story about two young men reaching out to one another for connection during a pandemic in which connection is in short supply, SUNDOWN TOWN shows the burden that centuries of racism place on Black bodies, made even more poignant when those bodies are just beginning to discover who they are and what they want from their lives. Scott's play resonates as a story of Black joy thriving even during times of trauma…

    A breathtakingly tender and extraordinarily intimate coming-of-age story about two young men reaching out to one another for connection during a pandemic in which connection is in short supply, SUNDOWN TOWN shows the burden that centuries of racism place on Black bodies, made even more poignant when those bodies are just beginning to discover who they are and what they want from their lives. Scott's play resonates as a story of Black joy thriving even during times of trauma…