A compelling and unsettling examination of confronting secrets, the complexities of small town life, personal and political power dynamics, sexual assault and its aftermath and impact on a person's relationships past and present, and the intersection of those things with race, class, and gender. All of the characters here are fully fleshed out and James, in particular, is an engaging central figure to track and trace. Threaded throughout are extremely effective visual/aural metaphors and some striking stage imagery! I'd love to see this in production!
A compelling and unsettling examination of confronting secrets, the complexities of small town life, personal and political power dynamics, sexual assault and its aftermath and impact on a person's relationships past and present, and the intersection of those things with race, class, and gender. All of the characters here are fully fleshed out and James, in particular, is an engaging central figure to track and trace. Threaded throughout are extremely effective visual/aural metaphors and some striking stage imagery! I'd love to see this in production!