Got a chance to view a production of the play this evening. An incredibly well written and thought provoking piece of work. Malakhow provides great parts for the actors to sink their teeth into. The nuance of this play is superb. After finishing the viewing, it took a while for much to sink in, but the discussion I was able to have with those who viewed it with me was almost as valuable as the viewing. It's that type of work, and this play is a powerful statement by Malakhow on sadly still relevant issues in our society. A triumph.

    Got a chance to view a production of the play this evening. An incredibly well written and thought provoking piece of work. Malakhow provides great parts for the actors to sink their teeth into. The nuance of this play is superb. After finishing the viewing, it took a while for much to sink in, but the discussion I was able to have with those who viewed it with me was almost as valuable as the viewing. It's that type of work, and this play is a powerful statement by Malakhow on sadly still relevant issues in our society. A triumph.


    AFFINITY LUNCH MINUTES by Nick Malakhow is an incredibly powerful play that I read more than once so I could spend even more time with these characters. The dialogue is so rich and layered, giving deep subtext between the words and moments. And as the story unfolds, the intersectional ways in which the characters connect and collide is masterfully done, exploring racism, diversity, queerness, and whiteness more deeply than I've read before. It would be such a gift to watch this play unfold on stage, and I have no doubt that I'll have that opportunity soon. Produce this play.

    AFFINITY LUNCH MINUTES by Nick Malakhow is an incredibly powerful play that I read more than once so I could spend even more time with these characters. The dialogue is so rich and layered, giving deep subtext between the words and moments. And as the story unfolds, the intersectional ways in which the characters connect and collide is masterfully done, exploring racism, diversity, queerness, and whiteness more deeply than I've read before. It would be such a gift to watch this play unfold on stage, and I have no doubt that I'll have that opportunity soon. Produce this play.


    Affinity Lunch Minutes by Nick Malakhow is something everyone should make time to read in their lifetime. This play is illuminating to the struggles people of color face in PWIs. The commentary on institutional racism is nuanced in a way you don't usually see. This show impacted me extremely. I found myself thinking about it for weeks after I read it. I think everyone needs to read this play. If you are considering it, I would highly recommend it.

    Affinity Lunch Minutes by Nick Malakhow is something everyone should make time to read in their lifetime. This play is illuminating to the struggles people of color face in PWIs. The commentary on institutional racism is nuanced in a way you don't usually see. This show impacted me extremely. I found myself thinking about it for weeks after I read it. I think everyone needs to read this play. If you are considering it, I would highly recommend it.


    An extremely eye-opening, heartfelt, and attention grabbing experience from start to finish. “Affinity Lunch Minutes” is a masterpiece and a must read for any audience member. Its themes on contemporary politics and racism in America make it a truly timeless and heartfelt experience!

    An extremely eye-opening, heartfelt, and attention grabbing experience from start to finish. “Affinity Lunch Minutes” is a masterpiece and a must read for any audience member. Its themes on contemporary politics and racism in America make it a truly timeless and heartfelt experience!

  • zachary lichner: AFFINITY LUNCH MINUTES

    I could not recommend this show more! In the face of modern politics, I would name this show a must read. Malakhow is an incredibly compelling author, who manages to tell a very topical story of racial bias and the cynical nature of social media. I'm so glad I read this show, and I hope that more people get the chance to!

    I could not recommend this show more! In the face of modern politics, I would name this show a must read. Malakhow is an incredibly compelling author, who manages to tell a very topical story of racial bias and the cynical nature of social media. I'm so glad I read this show, and I hope that more people get the chance to!


    I cannot begin to express how impactful and eye opening this show is. It is an excellent piece of social commentary. Some of the themes include the contemporary idea of how different perspectives are portray and exaggerated over social media, unconscious bias, and the unfortunate existence of cyclical racism in America. Overall, we are forced to confront how we are all the heros of our own stories, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are the hero of others'.

    I cannot begin to express how impactful and eye opening this show is. It is an excellent piece of social commentary. Some of the themes include the contemporary idea of how different perspectives are portray and exaggerated over social media, unconscious bias, and the unfortunate existence of cyclical racism in America. Overall, we are forced to confront how we are all the heros of our own stories, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are the hero of others'.


    Woah. Plays like this are so rare -- Nick Malakhow wrote a masterpiece. "Affinity Lunch Minutes" is a fantastically impactful and powerful story full of authenticity and reflection. This is a play I would love for everyone to read and sit with. The genuine rawness of this story is so special and unlike any other. There are no words that can do this play justice -- you won't regret taking the time to read this!

    Woah. Plays like this are so rare -- Nick Malakhow wrote a masterpiece. "Affinity Lunch Minutes" is a fantastically impactful and powerful story full of authenticity and reflection. This is a play I would love for everyone to read and sit with. The genuine rawness of this story is so special and unlike any other. There are no words that can do this play justice -- you won't regret taking the time to read this!


    I had to sit with this play for a few moments to just breathe. Malakhow created such an impactful and real story that goes to complex places beneath the surface that current day society is too afraid to talk about. I loved the uncomfortable feeling I got while reading because of how truthful the characters are with what they say, and how they say it. Affinity Lunch Minutes is a must-read and a great way to self-reflect on ourselves and society as these issues are ever so present. With a hopeful ending, Malakhow created a story of finding justice.

    I had to sit with this play for a few moments to just breathe. Malakhow created such an impactful and real story that goes to complex places beneath the surface that current day society is too afraid to talk about. I loved the uncomfortable feeling I got while reading because of how truthful the characters are with what they say, and how they say it. Affinity Lunch Minutes is a must-read and a great way to self-reflect on ourselves and society as these issues are ever so present. With a hopeful ending, Malakhow created a story of finding justice.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: AFFINITY LUNCH MINUTES

    I've been sitting here trying to put into words what I want to say about this play for a while now, and I'm not sure what I can say to do it justice. I love that all the characters are flawed and it doesn't feel preachy. I love that the play will make Black theater goers feel seen and force white theater goers to self-reflect. I especially love the confrontation between Jasmine and Cal being played three different times, in three different tones. This play has been in my reading list for a WHILE, and it was worth the wait.

    I've been sitting here trying to put into words what I want to say about this play for a while now, and I'm not sure what I can say to do it justice. I love that all the characters are flawed and it doesn't feel preachy. I love that the play will make Black theater goers feel seen and force white theater goers to self-reflect. I especially love the confrontation between Jasmine and Cal being played three different times, in three different tones. This play has been in my reading list for a WHILE, and it was worth the wait.


    I read this play yesterday and haven't stopped thinking about it since. A tremendous piece of work that goes to some incredibly complex, nuanced, and furious places with such ease and confidence, only to end on a note of radical hopefulness. Gripping dilemmas, vivid, unforgettable characters - this was a true privilege to read!

    I read this play yesterday and haven't stopped thinking about it since. A tremendous piece of work that goes to some incredibly complex, nuanced, and furious places with such ease and confidence, only to end on a note of radical hopefulness. Gripping dilemmas, vivid, unforgettable characters - this was a true privilege to read!