Recommendations of Gown

  • Morey Norkin: Gown

    Well, this one will certainly tug at your heartstrings and leave a lump in your throat. And Courtney may be one of the best people in the world. Next, of course, to Robert Weibezahl, who conceived this beautiful piece in the first place. The production history speaks for itself. Outstanding!

    Well, this one will certainly tug at your heartstrings and leave a lump in your throat. And Courtney may be one of the best people in the world. Next, of course, to Robert Weibezahl, who conceived this beautiful piece in the first place. The production history speaks for itself. Outstanding!

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Gown

    I'm speechless. GOWN by Robert Weibezahl is a beautiful portrait of a mother-daughter relationship with a heartbreakingly bittersweet twist. I would love to see this show performed.

    I'm speechless. GOWN by Robert Weibezahl is a beautiful portrait of a mother-daughter relationship with a heartbreakingly bittersweet twist. I would love to see this show performed.

  • Mark Harvey Levine: Gown

    A normal event turned into a heartbreaking and touching scene by Robert Weibezahl. I got to see this at Madlab's Theatre Roulette 2023 and it was incredibly effective. The character of Courtney added some much needed humor, but this play is still devastating.

    A normal event turned into a heartbreaking and touching scene by Robert Weibezahl. I got to see this at Madlab's Theatre Roulette 2023 and it was incredibly effective. The character of Courtney added some much needed humor, but this play is still devastating.

  • Steven G. Martin: Gown

    "Gown" is a genuine tearjerker that takes its time to reveal the truth behind what seems an everyday scenario. Robert Weibezahl's short drama was one of my favorite plays in the 2023 MadLab Roulette festival in Columbus, Ohio.

    "Gown" is a genuine tearjerker that takes its time to reveal the truth behind what seems an everyday scenario. Robert Weibezahl's short drama was one of my favorite plays in the 2023 MadLab Roulette festival in Columbus, Ohio.

  • Evan Baughfman: Gown

    Set inside a bridal shop, this play marries humor and heartbreak and vows to bring a tear to your eye! Published in THE BEST TEN-MINUTE PLAYS 2023. An excellent piece that ends the anthology!

    Set inside a bridal shop, this play marries humor and heartbreak and vows to bring a tear to your eye! Published in THE BEST TEN-MINUTE PLAYS 2023. An excellent piece that ends the anthology!

  • Samara Siskind: Gown

    As a woman who lost her mother at a young age, I felt like this play was written for me. Gown unfolds like a beautiful bridal bouquet, breaking my heart and putting it back together again in the span of a few pages. I had the privilege and pleasure of seeing Gown live, and it has stayed with me long after the curtain closed - a testament to Robert Weibezahl's masterful writing. What a gift this was to Lynn and Annie. What a gift it was to me.*

    As a woman who lost her mother at a young age, I felt like this play was written for me. Gown unfolds like a beautiful bridal bouquet, breaking my heart and putting it back together again in the span of a few pages. I had the privilege and pleasure of seeing Gown live, and it has stayed with me long after the curtain closed - a testament to Robert Weibezahl's masterful writing. What a gift this was to Lynn and Annie. What a gift it was to me.*

  • Bruce Karp: Gown

    I absolutely loved the premise of this play. Heartfelt, well-conceived with three highly relatable characters, and a payoff that will bring tears to the readers' eyes and the audiences' eyes, too. Well done.

    I absolutely loved the premise of this play. Heartfelt, well-conceived with three highly relatable characters, and a payoff that will bring tears to the readers' eyes and the audiences' eyes, too. Well done.

  • Laurie Allen: Gown

    Such a beautiful play! At first, it’s a puzzle. You’re like the associate, confused. But then you catch on and want to cry, but also smile as this heartwarming play proceeds with a beautiful and touching ending. Bravo!

    Such a beautiful play! At first, it’s a puzzle. You’re like the associate, confused. But then you catch on and want to cry, but also smile as this heartwarming play proceeds with a beautiful and touching ending. Bravo!

  • Paul Donnelly: Gown

    Lynn and Annie's special occasion is special in a most unexpected way. Their story offers a subtle build to a powerful reveal and a moving ending. This is a play of real substance and emotional heft.

    Lynn and Annie's special occasion is special in a most unexpected way. Their story offers a subtle build to a powerful reveal and a moving ending. This is a play of real substance and emotional heft.

  • Andrew Martineau: Gown

    I remember a playwriting instructor once saying that plays are never about ordinary moments. They should be about extraordinary moments. This is an extraordinary play about an extraordinary moment, perfectly fitted (pardon the pun) for the ten minute format. It has pathos, heart and genuine emotion. What a gift for three actors to play, and what a special, extraordinary experience for an audience to witness.

    I remember a playwriting instructor once saying that plays are never about ordinary moments. They should be about extraordinary moments. This is an extraordinary play about an extraordinary moment, perfectly fitted (pardon the pun) for the ten minute format. It has pathos, heart and genuine emotion. What a gift for three actors to play, and what a special, extraordinary experience for an audience to witness.