I had the great good fortune to catch a ZOOM reading of this beautifully composed play. Melodious, atmospheric, shadowy, ethereal, complex, riveting, extraordinary. At the center stands a conflicted young man caught up in a whirlwind of tremendous obligations, caught up in a (losing) battle against fate. A modern tragedy of epic proportions. Gorgeously drawn characters, incredible dialogue, highly theatrical. This work could and should elevate Love to the ranks of other notable eminent American playwrights. A must stage. Highly recommend.
I had the great good fortune to catch a ZOOM reading of this beautifully composed play. Melodious, atmospheric, shadowy, ethereal, complex, riveting, extraordinary. At the center stands a conflicted young man caught up in a whirlwind of tremendous obligations, caught up in a (losing) battle against fate. A modern tragedy of epic proportions. Gorgeously drawn characters, incredible dialogue, highly theatrical. This work could and should elevate Love to the ranks of other notable eminent American playwrights. A must stage. Highly recommend.