Recommendations of Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

  • Adam Richter: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    The state of "normal" is the epitome of mundane, until it becomes a goal that we hope to reach. In this wonderful 1-minute play, Martin shows us a normal office encounter as the platonic ideal and gives us so much depth to these characters we want the play to go on well beyond its one-minute running time. Another brilliantly written short play by Steven Martin. Bravo!

    The state of "normal" is the epitome of mundane, until it becomes a goal that we hope to reach. In this wonderful 1-minute play, Martin shows us a normal office encounter as the platonic ideal and gives us so much depth to these characters we want the play to go on well beyond its one-minute running time. Another brilliantly written short play by Steven Martin. Bravo!

  • Vince Gatton: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    This terrific 1-minute play has made me re-think what’s possible in that form. Every detail, every glance, every non-verbal action is hyper-important in telling the story of this complex, layered, profoundly emotional, and ultimately beautiful moment. A gorgeous reminder of the complicated and sometimes counterintuitive ways we depend on each other, especially when the chips are down.

    This terrific 1-minute play has made me re-think what’s possible in that form. Every detail, every glance, every non-verbal action is hyper-important in telling the story of this complex, layered, profoundly emotional, and ultimately beautiful moment. A gorgeous reminder of the complicated and sometimes counterintuitive ways we depend on each other, especially when the chips are down.

  • Scott Sickles: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    A perfect example of why directors should never cross out the stage directions. (Seriously, stop doing that or we'll sic Maria on you and you don't want that. Read this to find out why!)

    A water cooler conversation like no other, the surface unpleasantries provide a necessary panacea to a deluge of unwanted sympathy. Sometimes, you just need miserable people to be miserable, for your sake and theirs.

    Best of all, I want to know more about Maria and Ginny! I want to know just how unpleasant things will get for many years to come!

    A perfect example of why directors should never cross out the stage directions. (Seriously, stop doing that or we'll sic Maria on you and you don't want that. Read this to find out why!)

    A water cooler conversation like no other, the surface unpleasantries provide a necessary panacea to a deluge of unwanted sympathy. Sometimes, you just need miserable people to be miserable, for your sake and theirs.

    Best of all, I want to know more about Maria and Ginny! I want to know just how unpleasant things will get for many years to come!

  • Cheryl Bear: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    A powerful moment between two coworkers with a world of emotions between them as one contains her emotions the best way she knows how. Well done.

    A powerful moment between two coworkers with a world of emotions between them as one contains her emotions the best way she knows how. Well done.

  • Claudia Haas: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    Martin reminds us that conversation doesn’t tell truths. There is so much more to Maria’s and Ginny’s relationship and Martin leaves you wanting more. Beautifully done.

    Martin reminds us that conversation doesn’t tell truths. There is so much more to Maria’s and Ginny’s relationship and Martin leaves you wanting more. Beautifully done.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    I don't know why, but this one minute play actually painted a big ol' smile on my face! Maria and Ginny definitely have a workplace history, and perhaps the history, no matter if the flavor is sweet or sour, is the most important to cling to in a world gone askew. Absolutely love this snapshot of a script.

    I don't know why, but this one minute play actually painted a big ol' smile on my face! Maria and Ginny definitely have a workplace history, and perhaps the history, no matter if the flavor is sweet or sour, is the most important to cling to in a world gone askew. Absolutely love this snapshot of a script.

  • DC Cathro: Normalcy [a 1-minute play]

    Workplace relationships can be tricky and Martin, in just a couple pages, paints a rich picture of these two women and gives us a history without even referring to their past. It’s unexpected, affirming, uplifting, and ultimately sweet despite the confrontational nature of the conversation. So, so good.

    Workplace relationships can be tricky and Martin, in just a couple pages, paints a rich picture of these two women and gives us a history without even referring to their past. It’s unexpected, affirming, uplifting, and ultimately sweet despite the confrontational nature of the conversation. So, so good.