Recommendations of HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

  • Playwrights Foundation: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    The community of national & local readers for the 45th Bay Area Playwrights Festival in 2022 enthusiastically recommends HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA as a Semi-Finalist at Playwrights Foundation. We highly enjoyed this play's humor and comical investigation of sacrifice for community. We were compelled by this play's use of stylistic campy farce, snappy dialogue, and range of comic characters. We hope this play is widely read, finds dedicated collaborators, and moves swiftly towards production. #BAPF2022

    The community of national & local readers for the 45th Bay Area Playwrights Festival in 2022 enthusiastically recommends HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA as a Semi-Finalist at Playwrights Foundation. We highly enjoyed this play's humor and comical investigation of sacrifice for community. We were compelled by this play's use of stylistic campy farce, snappy dialogue, and range of comic characters. We hope this play is widely read, finds dedicated collaborators, and moves swiftly towards production. #BAPF2022

  • Nilsa Reyna: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    A hilarious and delightful play that has you smiling and laughing the whole time. I want these characters in my life and we need a sequel!

    A hilarious and delightful play that has you smiling and laughing the whole time. I want these characters in my life and we need a sequel!

  • Cheryl Bear: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    A fabulous and heartfelt comedy that just sings as, through all the drama of the sale, there's a lot of love. Well done!

    A fabulous and heartfelt comedy that just sings as, through all the drama of the sale, there's a lot of love. Well done!

  • John Bavoso: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    If Molière, The Golden Girls, and To Wong Fu had a drag daughter, it would be HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA! Davila has crafted such fun, over-the-top characters, and the badinage absolutely sparkles on every page. Underneath the bawdy double-entendres are classic themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and finding the thing that makes you feel (w)hole. A delightfully campy read that would be a blast for an exuberantly queer cast—highly recommended!

    If Molière, The Golden Girls, and To Wong Fu had a drag daughter, it would be HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA! Davila has crafted such fun, over-the-top characters, and the badinage absolutely sparkles on every page. Underneath the bawdy double-entendres are classic themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and finding the thing that makes you feel (w)hole. A delightfully campy read that would be a blast for an exuberantly queer cast—highly recommended!

  • Nelson Diaz-Marcano: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    A farce with not just a lot of heart, but with complex explorations of what love means. Love as a friend, as a mentor, as a daughter, as a lover, or as a partner, all get their time in this piece without ever feeling like they are the focus of it all. That is because David manages to embed these musings within a farcical romp that will have you laughing from start to finish.

    A farce with not just a lot of heart, but with complex explorations of what love means. Love as a friend, as a mentor, as a daughter, as a lover, or as a partner, all get their time in this piece without ever feeling like they are the focus of it all. That is because David manages to embed these musings within a farcical romp that will have you laughing from start to finish.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: HOTEL PUERTO VALLARTA, a legitimate work of dramatic theatre

    There are farces that push the bounds of physical comedy. There are farces that have complicated plots. There are farces that achieve certain degrees of humor and satire. There are even farces that have a lot of heart. It is rare that you see all of these elements come together in a single play. David Davila does this with this hilarious, tender look into the life and times of a hotel/drag bar in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The subtitle may be tongue-in-cheek, but don't be deceived. Hotel Puerto Vallarta is truly a dramatic work of legitimate theatre.

    There are farces that push the bounds of physical comedy. There are farces that have complicated plots. There are farces that achieve certain degrees of humor and satire. There are even farces that have a lot of heart. It is rare that you see all of these elements come together in a single play. David Davila does this with this hilarious, tender look into the life and times of a hotel/drag bar in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The subtitle may be tongue-in-cheek, but don't be deceived. Hotel Puerto Vallarta is truly a dramatic work of legitimate theatre.