Recommendations of Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

  • Brent Alles: Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

    A fascinating "two hander" that handles its characters deftly and allows for deep inflection into the lives of these people amidst all-too-recent events. The pop culture references made connections with me but what stuck with me the most was the examination of the relationship between mother and daughter that's intricately woven throughout the narrative and leads to a culmination of considerable impact at the close. Great parts for two actors here. I would definitely enjoy seeing this staged at some point!

    A fascinating "two hander" that handles its characters deftly and allows for deep inflection into the lives of these people amidst all-too-recent events. The pop culture references made connections with me but what stuck with me the most was the examination of the relationship between mother and daughter that's intricately woven throughout the narrative and leads to a culmination of considerable impact at the close. Great parts for two actors here. I would definitely enjoy seeing this staged at some point!

  • Cole Hunter Dzubak: Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

    An insanely smart piece that dives into examining the generational gap between mom and daughter. The use of 80s movies for reference, humor, and deep subject matter allows audiences to connect further to these characters. Hansen did a wonderful job with this piece, and I'm always a sucker for anything about the breakfast club.

    An insanely smart piece that dives into examining the generational gap between mom and daughter. The use of 80s movies for reference, humor, and deep subject matter allows audiences to connect further to these characters. Hansen did a wonderful job with this piece, and I'm always a sucker for anything about the breakfast club.

  • Ky Weeks: Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

    A layered and challenging play, delving richly into a generation gap and how relationships can be both incredibly close and inescapably distant. The characters are flawed and yet understandably so, bending under the strain of a world that's naturally stressful. The use of 80's movies, as a source of comfort and a subject of attack, is really interesting, asking how much we can still gain from them and if things are really quite as we remember. Smart, insightful dialogue with some perfect uses of repetition.

    A layered and challenging play, delving richly into a generation gap and how relationships can be both incredibly close and inescapably distant. The characters are flawed and yet understandably so, bending under the strain of a world that's naturally stressful. The use of 80's movies, as a source of comfort and a subject of attack, is really interesting, asking how much we can still gain from them and if things are really quite as we remember. Smart, insightful dialogue with some perfect uses of repetition.

  • Claudia Haas: Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

    There have been landmines for teens and their parents throughout the ages. In Hansen’s two-hander, a mother and daughter explore these landmines and some cold, hard truths - and that truth is a landmine in itself. The banter is fast and furious but take your time in the read. Forget About Me contains a multitude of thought-provoking themes - each worthy of consideration. As I read it, I saw it - it would be riveting onstage.

    There have been landmines for teens and their parents throughout the ages. In Hansen’s two-hander, a mother and daughter explore these landmines and some cold, hard truths - and that truth is a landmine in itself. The banter is fast and furious but take your time in the read. Forget About Me contains a multitude of thought-provoking themes - each worthy of consideration. As I read it, I saw it - it would be riveting onstage.

  • Daniel Prillaman: Forget About Me (The Breakfast Club Play)

    I DEVOURED this play. Hansen's dialogue is deceptively simple and naturalistic, lulling us into what almost seems to be a slice of life play until we hit that one reveal (one of the best I've ever seen) that changes everything. I could unpack Dots and Moms for ages and still gain new insight, and frankly those are the most lovely kind of characters. All that amongst the commentary of how well have those 80s movies really aged (and by association, how drastically the world has changed since our childhoods), and you've got an amazing intergenerational comedic drama.

    I DEVOURED this play. Hansen's dialogue is deceptively simple and naturalistic, lulling us into what almost seems to be a slice of life play until we hit that one reveal (one of the best I've ever seen) that changes everything. I could unpack Dots and Moms for ages and still gain new insight, and frankly those are the most lovely kind of characters. All that amongst the commentary of how well have those 80s movies really aged (and by association, how drastically the world has changed since our childhoods), and you've got an amazing intergenerational comedic drama.