Recommendations of O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

  • Christopher Plumridge: O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

    Ha! What begins as a zany Monty Python inspired sketch involving an anti-capitalist talking Christmas tree (why not?!) turns itself round to bring an important message, one I've often thought but perhaps never followed up on: Let's stop buying each other crap!
    Great fun, great message!

    Ha! What begins as a zany Monty Python inspired sketch involving an anti-capitalist talking Christmas tree (why not?!) turns itself round to bring an important message, one I've often thought but perhaps never followed up on: Let's stop buying each other crap!
    Great fun, great message!

  • John Busser: O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

    A Yuletide Intervention! Just what most commercialism-obsessed consumers need! This was wonderfully fun to read. All the characters were pitch-perfect and the dialogue made me chuckle constantly. I certainly approve of the tree's message here and wouldn't mind a followup. Maybe see that trip to Italy. (Although a Darth Vader Toaster does sound pretty good.)

    A Yuletide Intervention! Just what most commercialism-obsessed consumers need! This was wonderfully fun to read. All the characters were pitch-perfect and the dialogue made me chuckle constantly. I certainly approve of the tree's message here and wouldn't mind a followup. Maybe see that trip to Italy. (Although a Darth Vader Toaster does sound pretty good.)

  • Austin Hendricks: O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

    An interesting take on the traditional family Christmas. A nice little dive into someone finally telling a typical American family to quit it with the pleasantries and actually enjoy the holiday--or find a better use of their resources. Certainly an interesting message for a traditional Christmas lineup.

    A good size cast for an equally charming play.

    An interesting take on the traditional family Christmas. A nice little dive into someone finally telling a typical American family to quit it with the pleasantries and actually enjoy the holiday--or find a better use of their resources. Certainly an interesting message for a traditional Christmas lineup.

    A good size cast for an equally charming play.

  • Alice Josephs: O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

    The traditional family Christmas of over priced gifts and family squabbles as viewed by a grumpy millennial Christmas tree who has definitely got the needle. An entertainment with good characterful roles plus the opportunity for inventive costume design. This fresh take on the excesses of the holiday season would be a funny and thoughtful addition to any Christmas show of short plays, secular or faith based, with its original premise and great title!

    The traditional family Christmas of over priced gifts and family squabbles as viewed by a grumpy millennial Christmas tree who has definitely got the needle. An entertainment with good characterful roles plus the opportunity for inventive costume design. This fresh take on the excesses of the holiday season would be a funny and thoughtful addition to any Christmas show of short plays, secular or faith based, with its original premise and great title!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: O, Commi-Tree (Ten Minute Play)

    As a lover of all things Christmas, my intrigue was very much captured by the concept of this piece. It shines a light on society and the materialism that has taken over Christmas while providing very funny dialogue between the family and their disapproving Christmas tree. The prominent image of appreciation for what you have is made very clear in each of the unique characters and I think would look hilarious on stage!

    As a lover of all things Christmas, my intrigue was very much captured by the concept of this piece. It shines a light on society and the materialism that has taken over Christmas while providing very funny dialogue between the family and their disapproving Christmas tree. The prominent image of appreciation for what you have is made very clear in each of the unique characters and I think would look hilarious on stage!