Acetone Wishes and Plexiglass Dreams

by Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters

Celina has moved home to Philly’s Koreatown to take over the neighborhood beauty salon. DIY reno keeps her busy, but discovering a secret about her high school buddy, Inky, and gossiping chorus of aunties and uncles keeps her busier. However, Celina has a secret of her own; a secret that dragged her across the country, only to return home empty handed. Will Celina prevent the rumors, ghosts, and aunties from...

Celina has moved home to Philly’s Koreatown to take over the neighborhood beauty salon. DIY reno keeps her busy, but discovering a secret about her high school buddy, Inky, and gossiping chorus of aunties and uncles keeps her busier. However, Celina has a secret of her own; a secret that dragged her across the country, only to return home empty handed. Will Celina prevent the rumors, ghosts, and aunties from chaining her down or will she drag Inky into the dark web she’s brought home?

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Acetone Wishes and Plexiglass Dreams

Recommended by

  • Kate Busselle: Acetone Wishes and Plexiglass Dreams

    This play has achieved the impossible--taking an entire neighborhood and placing it on a one-set theatre stage. Each neighbor, gossip, auntie and uncle that cycles through Inky and Celina's world as they try to build their own small corner of Koreatown adds to the eccentricity and liveliness of the play (not to mention the hilarious pastor who is powerwalking and stretching outside). A true cultural gem of a play with iconic imagery of a single red painted nail for good luck.

    This play has achieved the impossible--taking an entire neighborhood and placing it on a one-set theatre stage. Each neighbor, gossip, auntie and uncle that cycles through Inky and Celina's world as they try to build their own small corner of Koreatown adds to the eccentricity and liveliness of the play (not to mention the hilarious pastor who is powerwalking and stretching outside). A true cultural gem of a play with iconic imagery of a single red painted nail for good luck.

  • Elizabeth A. M. Keel: Acetone Wishes and Plexiglass Dreams

    ACETONE WISHES & PLEXIGLASS DREAMS patches up the empty cracks in your heart you didn't know you had sustained. Celina and Inky are one of the freshest romantic pairings I've seen in ages; these are no manic pixie dream lovers, carrying quirks for the sake of a personality. Instead, they are both the now-adult children of a gossiping neighborhood that loves them, and two lineages plagued by ghosts and regrets. There is room for both magic and hope in this tender, human celebration of Korean culture.

    ACETONE WISHES & PLEXIGLASS DREAMS patches up the empty cracks in your heart you didn't know you had sustained. Celina and Inky are one of the freshest romantic pairings I've seen in ages; these are no manic pixie dream lovers, carrying quirks for the sake of a personality. Instead, they are both the now-adult children of a gossiping neighborhood that loves them, and two lineages plagued by ghosts and regrets. There is room for both magic and hope in this tender, human celebration of Korean culture.

  • Nick Malakhow: Acetone Wishes and Plexiglass Dreams

    Beautiful and immensely theatrical play that looks at family baggage, inherited trauma, grief, recovery, and the complex meaning of "home." I just loved how all of the characters were rendered with depth and humanity and nuance, and these scenes containing small seismic character shifts coincided with some bold theatrical strokes in terms of visual design and double/triple/quadruple casting of the adults. There is a vivid sense of place provided even with very few actor bodies onstage. The tensions and growth between Celina and Inky (and within themselves) were majorly impactful while subtly...

    Beautiful and immensely theatrical play that looks at family baggage, inherited trauma, grief, recovery, and the complex meaning of "home." I just loved how all of the characters were rendered with depth and humanity and nuance, and these scenes containing small seismic character shifts coincided with some bold theatrical strokes in terms of visual design and double/triple/quadruple casting of the adults. There is a vivid sense of place provided even with very few actor bodies onstage. The tensions and growth between Celina and Inky (and within themselves) were majorly impactful while subtly-drawn. I'd love to see it produced!

View all 8 recommendations

Character Information

CELINA: A computer programer who has come home to help her mom after the death of her older sister. She is the steady click of a keyboard.
30s, Korean/Asian American

INKY: A business school success working for ValPak with a secret. He is the tip of a pencil, sharp to start but wears down fast and needs you to sharpen him.
30s, Korean/Asian American

AJUMMA:Plays all the Koreatown ladies, including Celina’s Mom 50-60s, Korean/Asian American

AJUSSHI: Plays all the Koreatown men, including Celina’s Dad and Inky’s Dad, 50-60s, Korean/Asian American

MIHEE: A ghost. Older than Celina, Korean American

    A computer programmer who has come home to help her mom after the death of her older sister. She is the steady click of a keyboard.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Korean/Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
  • INKY
    A business school success working for ValPak with a secret. He is the tip of a pencil, sharp to start but wears down fast and needs you to sharpen him.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Korean/Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
    Plays all the Koreatown ladies, including Celina’s Mom
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Korean/Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
    Plays all the Koreatown men, including Celina’s Dad and Inky’s Dad
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Korean/Asian American
    Character Gender Identity
  • MiHee
    A ghost. Older than Celina, Korean American
    Character Age
    older than Celina
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Asian American/Korean American
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Workshop, Organization UC Santa Barbara Launch Pad Amplify | BIPOC Reading Series Festival, Year 2022
  • Type Workshop, Organization Great Plains Theatre Commons, Year 2022
