Recommendations of Not Even the Girlfriend

  • Max Kennel: Not Even the Girlfriend

    A thought-provoking and awesome piece! The meta commentary Goldman-Sherman provides on the world of theatre and the type of roles accessible to women as a whole is conveyed incredibly in this one act. The monologue portion of the show was incredibly compelling and I will definitely recommend it to some of my friends the next time they are in need of a monologue. Amazing work!

    A thought-provoking and awesome piece! The meta commentary Goldman-Sherman provides on the world of theatre and the type of roles accessible to women as a whole is conveyed incredibly in this one act. The monologue portion of the show was incredibly compelling and I will definitely recommend it to some of my friends the next time they are in need of a monologue. Amazing work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Not Even the Girlfriend

    I love this. At first you think it’s a monologue about a young woman helping the guy she loves, but for whom she’s ‘not even the girlfriend,’ and then it pivots and becomes a commentary on the theater world and what roles are available to women. I was thoroughly wrapped up in the monologue, and then after the shift, I kept muttering “Yes... YES. EXACTLY.” This is wonderful. What a gift for a young actor.

    I love this. At first you think it’s a monologue about a young woman helping the guy she loves, but for whom she’s ‘not even the girlfriend,’ and then it pivots and becomes a commentary on the theater world and what roles are available to women. I was thoroughly wrapped up in the monologue, and then after the shift, I kept muttering “Yes... YES. EXACTLY.” This is wonderful. What a gift for a young actor.

  • Debra A. Cole: Not Even the Girlfriend

    What a powerful piece for a young actress to sink her teeth into! It starts in one dramatic direction and turns quickly down an even more personal and empowering road. Actors and audiences will be moved to thoughtful discussions after having the pleasure of seeing it come to life.

    What a powerful piece for a young actress to sink her teeth into! It starts in one dramatic direction and turns quickly down an even more personal and empowering road. Actors and audiences will be moved to thoughtful discussions after having the pleasure of seeing it come to life.

  • Jack Levine: Not Even the Girlfriend

    EMMA GOLDMAN-SHERMAN hits the mark with a play well worth reading and definitely one that needs to be performed. You begin by reading a dark monologue, and then, you discover the meaning goes well beyond what you might originally think. “Not Even The Girlfriend” touches upon many layers and has the quality of being both informative and entertaining.

    EMMA GOLDMAN-SHERMAN hits the mark with a play well worth reading and definitely one that needs to be performed. You begin by reading a dark monologue, and then, you discover the meaning goes well beyond what you might originally think. “Not Even The Girlfriend” touches upon many layers and has the quality of being both informative and entertaining.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Not Even the Girlfriend

    There are so many layers to this short play, it's really a meal in of itself! As an actor, I remember being so hungry to have someone tell me who I was, who I should be playing. And part of this play is screaming that we women get to CHOOSE who we are and who we want to play. If you can't find it, create it and don't let anyone deny or block your truth. The more I think about this play, the more empowered I feel, actually.

    There are so many layers to this short play, it's really a meal in of itself! As an actor, I remember being so hungry to have someone tell me who I was, who I should be playing. And part of this play is screaming that we women get to CHOOSE who we are and who we want to play. If you can't find it, create it and don't let anyone deny or block your truth. The more I think about this play, the more empowered I feel, actually.

  • Michael Wells-Oakes: Not Even the Girlfriend

    You give them your best, your heart, your truth- - and they come back with superiority, ridicule. .. professionalism! Sharyn isn’t going to take it!
    Funny, frightening and surprising— an incredible role for a young woman. I saw this play on Zoom. The audience talk-back raised the roof! You want your audience excited- - produce this play!

    You give them your best, your heart, your truth- - and they come back with superiority, ridicule. .. professionalism! Sharyn isn’t going to take it!
    Funny, frightening and surprising— an incredible role for a young woman. I saw this play on Zoom. The audience talk-back raised the roof! You want your audience excited- - produce this play!

  • Sharai Bohannon: Not Even the Girlfriend

    This short makes me wish Punching LaBute wasn’t still on an indefinite pause #becauseofthetimes because it’s definitely a clapback at sexism and I needed that this morning. We have all been this girl in some way but we don’t always handle the situation the way we want to. Bravo!

    This short makes me wish Punching LaBute wasn’t still on an indefinite pause #becauseofthetimes because it’s definitely a clapback at sexism and I needed that this morning. We have all been this girl in some way but we don’t always handle the situation the way we want to. Bravo!

  • Jerry Polner: Not Even the Girlfriend

    This is a biting, tough, hard-caper story with a killer ending. And a great role for a young woman. Produce this play!

    This is a biting, tough, hard-caper story with a killer ending. And a great role for a young woman. Produce this play!

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: Not Even the Girlfriend

    This is a short play that gets your adrenaline going from the beginning, and it gets more exciting as the minutes go by. And then, big switch - boom, we're in an acting class and being dissected by the pompous coach. More adrenaline! Great ending too.

    This is a short play that gets your adrenaline going from the beginning, and it gets more exciting as the minutes go by. And then, big switch - boom, we're in an acting class and being dissected by the pompous coach. More adrenaline! Great ending too.