Recommendations of The Body's Midnight

  • Hilary Bluestein-Lyons: The Body's Midnight

    I had the pleasure of seeing the Boston Court/IAMA production of this play, which was spectactular, from the set design, sound and lighting, to the fabulous acting, to the creative and inventive directing. But the play itself is masterful in its integration of story, theme, metaphors, and characters. And even if one doesn't have a family member struggling with memory loss, the journey, the relationships with family, and the connection we all have to this planet is deeply relatable.

    I had the pleasure of seeing the Boston Court/IAMA production of this play, which was spectactular, from the set design, sound and lighting, to the fabulous acting, to the creative and inventive directing. But the play itself is masterful in its integration of story, theme, metaphors, and characters. And even if one doesn't have a family member struggling with memory loss, the journey, the relationships with family, and the connection we all have to this planet is deeply relatable.

  • Adam Hunter Howard: The Body's Midnight

    This play is an absolute gem! The magnificent Boston Court / IAMA production aside, the play itself is a masterclass in structure, characterization, themes, and lyrical poetry. Palmquist, as in much of her other work, keeps our world - from its denizens to the ground in which we walk - as the primary focus of the journey. Educational, inspiring, and a gift to its actors, she beautifully interweaves the complexities of ageing with the gorgeous landscapes that we take for granted - as we're often too scared to opt for the road less traveled. THIS is a welcoming road indeed!

    This play is an absolute gem! The magnificent Boston Court / IAMA production aside, the play itself is a masterclass in structure, characterization, themes, and lyrical poetry. Palmquist, as in much of her other work, keeps our world - from its denizens to the ground in which we walk - as the primary focus of the journey. Educational, inspiring, and a gift to its actors, she beautifully interweaves the complexities of ageing with the gorgeous landscapes that we take for granted - as we're often too scared to opt for the road less traveled. THIS is a welcoming road indeed!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Body's Midnight

    A lyrical and often poignant piece that speaks of the fragility of memories, both external and internal. Anne and David are visiting places that are disappearing and, even worse, have already disappeared; the perfect metaphor for the ordeal Anne is currently dealing with. This one is both about the journey and the destination, and whatever form those may take, and the willingness to take detours when necessary.

    A lyrical and often poignant piece that speaks of the fragility of memories, both external and internal. Anne and David are visiting places that are disappearing and, even worse, have already disappeared; the perfect metaphor for the ordeal Anne is currently dealing with. This one is both about the journey and the destination, and whatever form those may take, and the willingness to take detours when necessary.

  • Brianna Barrett: The Body's Midnight

    I love the choice to pair a road trip to "disappearing places" with this story of a person dealing with the horrible revelation of her own disappearing memory. A great concept that beautifully highlights the idea of cherishing whatever we have -- in whatever form we have left. Ultimately a very sweet story about an aging couple and how love is about sharing the burden and taking things as they come.

    I love the choice to pair a road trip to "disappearing places" with this story of a person dealing with the horrible revelation of her own disappearing memory. A great concept that beautifully highlights the idea of cherishing whatever we have -- in whatever form we have left. Ultimately a very sweet story about an aging couple and how love is about sharing the burden and taking things as they come.

  • Jennifer Maisel: The Body's Midnight

    A gorgeous saga that takes us cross country and generations as Tira's characters face their greatest fears with wit and undying love.

    A gorgeous saga that takes us cross country and generations as Tira's characters face their greatest fears with wit and undying love.

  • Maximillian Gill: The Body's Midnight

    A wonderful, sprawling story. Palmquist expertly evokes all variety of landscape and setting on this journey through the country. The supporting characters are all lively, hilarious, and very real. In the couple in the center of the play we see anxieties, petty squabbles, and running jokes, but more importantly we see the love and care these two people have for each other. The through-line of a character's slow mental degeneration is harrowing and treated both respectfully and realistically. It is thematically balanced with evocations of the landscape's degeneration due to the ravages of...

    A wonderful, sprawling story. Palmquist expertly evokes all variety of landscape and setting on this journey through the country. The supporting characters are all lively, hilarious, and very real. In the couple in the center of the play we see anxieties, petty squabbles, and running jokes, but more importantly we see the love and care these two people have for each other. The through-line of a character's slow mental degeneration is harrowing and treated both respectfully and realistically. It is thematically balanced with evocations of the landscape's degeneration due to the ravages of climate change. Powerful work.

  • Cheryl Bear: The Body's Midnight

    A moving journey as the body ages and the journey traveled by all involved. Well done.

    A moving journey as the body ages and the journey traveled by all involved. Well done.

  • David A. Miller: The Body's Midnight

    This is such a lovely journey, both very funny and really moving. There is so much in this play that richly explores the struggles of and the discoveries about the “aging brain.” The play explores the difficulties Anne faces because of her diminished faculties, but also explores the challenges faced by those who love her. Also, there are great Camper Van Beethoven references.

    This is such a lovely journey, both very funny and really moving. There is so much in this play that richly explores the struggles of and the discoveries about the “aging brain.” The play explores the difficulties Anne faces because of her diminished faculties, but also explores the challenges faced by those who love her. Also, there are great Camper Van Beethoven references.