Recommendations of Wine Box Players

  • Adam Richter: Wine Box Players

    Nelson Muntz was wrong: Shoplifting is NOT a victimless crime. But in DC Cathro's hilarious short play, the victim is Zach, who had no idea that his beloved Emily would steal a box of wine and must wrestle with the consequences. The dialogue in this short play is sharp, fast and funny as the two wrestle with her decision.

    Nelson Muntz was wrong: Shoplifting is NOT a victimless crime. But in DC Cathro's hilarious short play, the victim is Zach, who had no idea that his beloved Emily would steal a box of wine and must wrestle with the consequences. The dialogue in this short play is sharp, fast and funny as the two wrestle with her decision.

  • Scott Sickles: Wine Box Players

    Not all heroes wear capes, not all protestors carry signs, and not all farces need slamming doors. Sometimes entitlement-fueled righteous indignation and a bewildered yet pragmatic conscience are enough.

    Here, two people stand with one purloined box of vino (is it still “vino” if it’s in a box?) and the funny comes so fast and so furious, Feydeaux would need a breather. Emily’s sense of privilege and entitlement is set aflame by a genuine unfairness that has inspired a disproportionate response. Poor Zach, the voice of conscience and reason, must come to the rescue. Poor, poor Zach… Enjoy!

    Not all heroes wear capes, not all protestors carry signs, and not all farces need slamming doors. Sometimes entitlement-fueled righteous indignation and a bewildered yet pragmatic conscience are enough.

    Here, two people stand with one purloined box of vino (is it still “vino” if it’s in a box?) and the funny comes so fast and so furious, Feydeaux would need a breather. Emily’s sense of privilege and entitlement is set aflame by a genuine unfairness that has inspired a disproportionate response. Poor Zach, the voice of conscience and reason, must come to the rescue. Poor, poor Zach… Enjoy!

  • Daniel Prillaman: Wine Box Players

    Oh my god Emily. Oh my god Zach. What follows is both a hilarious comedy, and a small musing on decisions made in rage/breaking bad because goddammit the world is fucking bullshit and you deserve something for once. A surefire hit for any comedy lover, but because Cathro always provides, there is a storied history and some ethical debate to chew on underneath the bit. Beautiful, funny stuff.

    Oh my god Emily. Oh my god Zach. What follows is both a hilarious comedy, and a small musing on decisions made in rage/breaking bad because goddammit the world is fucking bullshit and you deserve something for once. A surefire hit for any comedy lover, but because Cathro always provides, there is a storied history and some ethical debate to chew on underneath the bit. Beautiful, funny stuff.

  • David Lipschutz: Wine Box Players

    WINE BOX PLAYERS is an absolutely delightful comedy by DC Cathro! The writing is smart and effectively paced, and I love this silly yet somehow totally plausible story.

    WINE BOX PLAYERS is an absolutely delightful comedy by DC Cathro! The writing is smart and effectively paced, and I love this silly yet somehow totally plausible story.