Recommendations of THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

  • Vivian Lermond: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    Creating a sci-fi universe in 60 seconds is crafty by itself, but the real bounty is in the unexpected twist of an ending! A fun play just perfect for any one-minute play festival!

    Creating a sci-fi universe in 60 seconds is crafty by itself, but the real bounty is in the unexpected twist of an ending! A fun play just perfect for any one-minute play festival!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    Short as this play is, there's a lot to like. The scene is set quickly, and the comedy packs a punch.

    Short as this play is, there's a lot to like. The scene is set quickly, and the comedy packs a punch.

  • Steven G. Martin: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    As previous recommendations have stated, Monica Cross has done well to build the world of "The Warship Waterloo." But I find it even more impressive that she has absolutely nailed a universal truth in this 1-minute sci-fi comedy: Booze will make anyone think twice.

    Fun and funny, easily produced on stage or in a virtual performance as with the Whiskey Theatre Factory's 1-minute play competition, where it debuted in 2022.

    As previous recommendations have stated, Monica Cross has done well to build the world of "The Warship Waterloo." But I find it even more impressive that she has absolutely nailed a universal truth in this 1-minute sci-fi comedy: Booze will make anyone think twice.

    Fun and funny, easily produced on stage or in a virtual performance as with the Whiskey Theatre Factory's 1-minute play competition, where it debuted in 2022.


    I cannot overstate how impressive it is that in the course of a one-minute play, Monica Cross has crafted an entire world — an entire galaxy, really — and given us so much story, character in 60 seconds that you can't believe it's over after just a page and a half. Is it a great sci-fi play or a great one-minute play? It's both!

    I cannot overstate how impressive it is that in the course of a one-minute play, Monica Cross has crafted an entire world — an entire galaxy, really — and given us so much story, character in 60 seconds that you can't believe it's over after just a page and a half. Is it a great sci-fi play or a great one-minute play? It's both!

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    Delightful short play written in an impressive 10 minutes ON AIR during Whiskey Theatre Festival's 1 Year Anniversary 1 Minute Play competition. Taking the prompt of "Waterloo" and "Xanadu," CROSS has crafted a rich world in 60 seconds.

    Delightful short play written in an impressive 10 minutes ON AIR during Whiskey Theatre Festival's 1 Year Anniversary 1 Minute Play competition. Taking the prompt of "Waterloo" and "Xanadu," CROSS has crafted a rich world in 60 seconds.


    SO MUCH world building happens SO QUICKLY!!!
    Cross provides an object lesson is active exposition, achieving it through comically stilted sci-fi parody syntax while presenting a dire situation, fueled by two parties at seemingly immovable cross purposes, until revelations and negotiations change everything!!!


    The story itself is a delight and the characters are so fun, you want to find out what happens next and next and next! Hell, you’ll want to join them for all the minutes to come!

    SO MUCH world building happens SO QUICKLY!!!
    Cross provides an object lesson is active exposition, achieving it through comically stilted sci-fi parody syntax while presenting a dire situation, fueled by two parties at seemingly immovable cross purposes, until revelations and negotiations change everything!!!


    The story itself is a delight and the characters are so fun, you want to find out what happens next and next and next! Hell, you’ll want to join them for all the minutes to come!

  • Christopher Plumridge: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    I often wonder about the merits of a one minute play, can it be worth it? But Monica has proven me wrong in this slick, fast paced and energetic sci-fi! Can the Waterloo seek sanctuary with its precious cargo, is it a trick? Great!

    I often wonder about the merits of a one minute play, can it be worth it? But Monica has proven me wrong in this slick, fast paced and energetic sci-fi! Can the Waterloo seek sanctuary with its precious cargo, is it a trick? Great!