Recommendations of A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: 'A'ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha (Distance is Ignored by Love): A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

    For me this piece presents the very definition of 'beautifully tragic'. Set in one of the most beautiful places on earth Nora creates a wonderful moment of love between two people, or is it just one? Its a play that won't fail to make you smile at the lovely moment you are presented with but at the same time cry at the thought of the moment ending. That's the idea that has been captured here, appreciating those moments because, unlike Helen, you only have them once. Its easy to see the play in your mind as you read, beautifully done.

    For me this piece presents the very definition of 'beautifully tragic'. Set in one of the most beautiful places on earth Nora creates a wonderful moment of love between two people, or is it just one? Its a play that won't fail to make you smile at the lovely moment you are presented with but at the same time cry at the thought of the moment ending. That's the idea that has been captured here, appreciating those moments because, unlike Helen, you only have them once. Its easy to see the play in your mind as you read, beautifully done.

  • D. Lee Miller: 'A'ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha (Distance is Ignored by Love): A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

    A sweet recollection and bittersweet presence make this initial story so soulful - Much of the beauty is with a Hawaiian backdrop used to perfection. In this triptych, we journey with Helen through her hopes, sorrows and joy of connecting, even briefly, to love. Anyone who has ever travelled alone or gone to dinner alone will connect with this story. Beautifully written, Nora Louise Syran.

    A sweet recollection and bittersweet presence make this initial story so soulful - Much of the beauty is with a Hawaiian backdrop used to perfection. In this triptych, we journey with Helen through her hopes, sorrows and joy of connecting, even briefly, to love. Anyone who has ever travelled alone or gone to dinner alone will connect with this story. Beautifully written, Nora Louise Syran.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: 'A'ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha (Distance is Ignored by Love): A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

    Maybe it wasn't a lifetime, or maybe it was. Helen will hold her memory of her night with Kaleo forever, a night that we get to see as she returns to the place they met on a different night. Bittersweet and beautiful. There is something so special about this play that takes us to Hawaii with our tourist protagonist and lets us grieve with her.

    Maybe it wasn't a lifetime, or maybe it was. Helen will hold her memory of her night with Kaleo forever, a night that we get to see as she returns to the place they met on a different night. Bittersweet and beautiful. There is something so special about this play that takes us to Hawaii with our tourist protagonist and lets us grieve with her.

  • Christopher Plumridge: 'A'ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha (Distance is Ignored by Love): A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

    Oh I love this! Nora sets the scene so perfectly with so few words and we're transported seamlessly to a Hawaiian hotel lobby bar. Here the tourist and the piano man (who was) share a drink called loneliness, well it's better than drinking alone.
    Moving and simply beautiful!

    Oh I love this! Nora sets the scene so perfectly with so few words and we're transported seamlessly to a Hawaiian hotel lobby bar. Here the tourist and the piano man (who was) share a drink called loneliness, well it's better than drinking alone.
    Moving and simply beautiful!

  • Paul Donnelly: 'A'ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha (Distance is Ignored by Love): A Tropical Triptych (One Act)

    A wistful comedy of a chance encounter and a lost opportunity. There are deft and witty touches in the use of the Waiter. This piece is very much shaped by its Hawai'ian locale. Kudos to Nora Louise Syran!

    A wistful comedy of a chance encounter and a lost opportunity. There are deft and witty touches in the use of the Waiter. This piece is very much shaped by its Hawai'ian locale. Kudos to Nora Louise Syran!