Beltway Breakdown

by David Holton

"Beltway Breakdown" unfolds on a bus trip from Raleigh to D.C., where Ernie, a veteran driver facing forced retirement, deliberately sabotages the journey to undermine his young successor. When the bus breaks down, the diverse group of passengers—including Ernie's daughter and her transgender partner—each find themselves stranded at a personal crossroads. As tensions rise, characters confront their prejudices...

"Beltway Breakdown" unfolds on a bus trip from Raleigh to D.C., where Ernie, a veteran driver facing forced retirement, deliberately sabotages the journey to undermine his young successor. When the bus breaks down, the diverse group of passengers—including Ernie's daughter and her transgender partner—each find themselves stranded at a personal crossroads. As tensions rise, characters confront their prejudices and fears, exploring themes of change, identity, and generational divides. This character-driven drama reveals the transformative power of empathy in the face of life's inevitable transitions.

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Beltway Breakdown