Recommendations of Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

  • Morey Norkin: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    Earth to Him! That’s what I want to shout through my laughter as Her tries to close the casual gap between them. As Her almost literally has to spell out her desires, Him seems to be in need of remedial signal reading. Clever. Funny. Perfect.

    Earth to Him! That’s what I want to shout through my laughter as Her tries to close the casual gap between them. As Her almost literally has to spell out her desires, Him seems to be in need of remedial signal reading. Clever. Funny. Perfect.

  • Greg Vovos: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    This is a fun back and forth that builds perfectly to its inevitable conclusion. Sharp, crisp, funny dialogue that will be a great ride for the actors and audience alike. Nice!

    This is a fun back and forth that builds perfectly to its inevitable conclusion. Sharp, crisp, funny dialogue that will be a great ride for the actors and audience alike. Nice!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    This short play is a dance between two casual 'lovers' who throughout keep their distance, at least physically. For as this dance plays out it's clear that 'Her' wants more, but will that just upset the casualness of their relationship?
    This is clever, unique and would make a great performance piece.

    This short play is a dance between two casual 'lovers' who throughout keep their distance, at least physically. For as this dance plays out it's clear that 'Her' wants more, but will that just upset the casualness of their relationship?
    This is clever, unique and would make a great performance piece.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    A great 2 hander about intimacy, communication and asking for what you really want. Things seem perfect from a distance, but some people want/need to bridge the gap. Others are happy where they are. Great piece to show off quick paced banter! In a "casual" way, of course...

    A great 2 hander about intimacy, communication and asking for what you really want. Things seem perfect from a distance, but some people want/need to bridge the gap. Others are happy where they are. Great piece to show off quick paced banter! In a "casual" way, of course...

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    Deep. That’s what I thought – And still do! – as I started reading this brilliant play. And then, John Busser, begins weaving in his trademark wit and humor, slowly at first but ramping up quickly. Thought-provoking and very funny to boot, you can’t ask for more! Bravo!

    Deep. That’s what I thought – And still do! – as I started reading this brilliant play. And then, John Busser, begins weaving in his trademark wit and humor, slowly at first but ramping up quickly. Thought-provoking and very funny to boot, you can’t ask for more! Bravo!

  • Julia Everitt: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    The comedy in this works swimmingly. It's just the right amount of... casual. I feel like it says just a little something without saying too much. Just right for a short play.

    The comedy in this works swimmingly. It's just the right amount of... casual. I feel like it says just a little something without saying too much. Just right for a short play.

  • Debra A. Cole: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    What numerous levels of play this short plays brings to an audience. AMAZING! The clever, witty, and smart dialogue is such a treat. JOHN BUSSER has such a gift.

    What numerous levels of play this short plays brings to an audience. AMAZING! The clever, witty, and smart dialogue is such a treat. JOHN BUSSER has such a gift.

  • Joe Swenson: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    Ahhhhhh… Brilliantly torturous writing by John Busser! The dialogue is fast-paced as we have a couple (barely) out on a date night (maybe). Busser transforms this distanced based questionable relationship into so much more. Laced with humor, wit, and escalation the playwright takes you on a wild ride that ends and then you have to get off the R word. Great show. Highly recommend.

    Ahhhhhh… Brilliantly torturous writing by John Busser! The dialogue is fast-paced as we have a couple (barely) out on a date night (maybe). Busser transforms this distanced based questionable relationship into so much more. Laced with humor, wit, and escalation the playwright takes you on a wild ride that ends and then you have to get off the R word. Great show. Highly recommend.

  • Aly Kantor: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    A John Busser play is always a treat! I'm not sure how he did it, but he made a play about two people sitting in chairs into a dynamic ride that leads to the end of a relationship. The rift is subtle but nuanced - and, as always, absolutely hilarious! The wordplay alone is the work of a master! It's goofy, it's theatrical, and it would be a treat for two in sync performers with a knack for timing! Best of all, you could produce this on a dime and get change back! Do it!

    A John Busser play is always a treat! I'm not sure how he did it, but he made a play about two people sitting in chairs into a dynamic ride that leads to the end of a relationship. The rift is subtle but nuanced - and, as always, absolutely hilarious! The wordplay alone is the work of a master! It's goofy, it's theatrical, and it would be a treat for two in sync performers with a knack for timing! Best of all, you could produce this on a dime and get change back! Do it!

  • Jack Levine: Arm's Length Romance (A Duologue)

    JOHN BUSSER uses a brilliantly written duologue is portray the relationship of a him and her, an almost together but not so much couple. “Arm’s Length Romance (A Duologue” describes so well the interplay between two people who think they know ‘what’s up” but don’t. I highly recommend this play!

    JOHN BUSSER uses a brilliantly written duologue is portray the relationship of a him and her, an almost together but not so much couple. “Arm’s Length Romance (A Duologue” describes so well the interplay between two people who think they know ‘what’s up” but don’t. I highly recommend this play!