Recommendations of Don't Think About Elephants

  • Dante Piro: Don't Think About Elephants

    Alternating between frustrating personalities butting heads and heartwarming displays of care, Rogers succeeds at two impossible tasks: Utilizing a COVID setting in a reasonable plot-driving way, and having what is ultimately a family drama resolve with compassion and clarity of communication.

    Alternating between frustrating personalities butting heads and heartwarming displays of care, Rogers succeeds at two impossible tasks: Utilizing a COVID setting in a reasonable plot-driving way, and having what is ultimately a family drama resolve with compassion and clarity of communication.

  • William Meurer: Don't Think About Elephants

    An incredible, moving, and empathetic story about people you don't often see as the protagonists of their own stories. Rogers has created a beautiful non-judgmental story full of memorable characters that you cant help but root for as they attempt to re-build relationships that are "safe, sane, and consensual."

    An incredible, moving, and empathetic story about people you don't often see as the protagonists of their own stories. Rogers has created a beautiful non-judgmental story full of memorable characters that you cant help but root for as they attempt to re-build relationships that are "safe, sane, and consensual."

  • Christian Flynn: Don't Think About Elephants

    A hilarious, touching, wholesome play about kink. The script is able to keep the stakes high without ramping into melodrama. The characters are fantastic, and in particular Brittany is one I'll never forget and hope to see come to life in a full production!

    A hilarious, touching, wholesome play about kink. The script is able to keep the stakes high without ramping into melodrama. The characters are fantastic, and in particular Brittany is one I'll never forget and hope to see come to life in a full production!

  • Michael C. O'Day: Don't Think About Elephants

    They may only be off to the corner CVS and back, but Emily and Brittany's journey in DON'T THINK ABOUT ELEPHANTS is a classic American road trip, their seemingly mismatched souls' bickering gradually turning to fast friendship in the face of obstacles within and without. Rogers has a blast applying this classic structure to characters who've been too long relegated to the periphery. And she makes the brilliant choice to set the tale at the end of the COVID lockdown, with things returning to "normal" - which, as Rogers reminds us, is only what consenting, respectful adults decide it is.

    They may only be off to the corner CVS and back, but Emily and Brittany's journey in DON'T THINK ABOUT ELEPHANTS is a classic American road trip, their seemingly mismatched souls' bickering gradually turning to fast friendship in the face of obstacles within and without. Rogers has a blast applying this classic structure to characters who've been too long relegated to the periphery. And she makes the brilliant choice to set the tale at the end of the COVID lockdown, with things returning to "normal" - which, as Rogers reminds us, is only what consenting, respectful adults decide it is.

  • Emmy Kuperschmid: Don't Think About Elephants

    Much like the characters are unable to not think about elephants once they've been brought up, you will not be able to stop thinking about this play after reading it. I've never seen a play about littles before, and Rogers introduces this community to the stage in an empathetic, judgement-free way. I loved the evolution of Emily and Brittany's relationship throughout the piece. This events of this play are challenging, but the journey ultimately ends in understanding and hope.

    Much like the characters are unable to not think about elephants once they've been brought up, you will not be able to stop thinking about this play after reading it. I've never seen a play about littles before, and Rogers introduces this community to the stage in an empathetic, judgement-free way. I loved the evolution of Emily and Brittany's relationship throughout the piece. This events of this play are challenging, but the journey ultimately ends in understanding and hope.