Recommendations of Quack

  • Brent Alles: Quack

    A very funny 10-minute! I loved the concept, and I can see audiences loving it too. The writing's just ducky, and actors certainly won't have to "wing it" with these characters. (OK, I'm very sorry.) Seriously, though, knowing certain actors like I do, there's probably more truth than fiction here, but still, it's a very funny premise executed very effectively in Sapio's wit and pacing. Looking forward to seeing this staged some day!

    A very funny 10-minute! I loved the concept, and I can see audiences loving it too. The writing's just ducky, and actors certainly won't have to "wing it" with these characters. (OK, I'm very sorry.) Seriously, though, knowing certain actors like I do, there's probably more truth than fiction here, but still, it's a very funny premise executed very effectively in Sapio's wit and pacing. Looking forward to seeing this staged some day!

  • Nora Louise Syran: Quack

    I adore this short comedy! Method acting gone absolutely bonkers in the best way possible. The love of this couple is palpable. Sapio's wry humor and wacky warmth are contagious. The quack, priceless. Thanks for the laugh!

    I adore this short comedy! Method acting gone absolutely bonkers in the best way possible. The love of this couple is palpable. Sapio's wry humor and wacky warmth are contagious. The quack, priceless. Thanks for the laugh!

  • Morey Norkin: Quack

    An actor prepares… in the craziest way imaginable. His poor wife, with encouragement from her sister, considers leaving before she quacks up. But love will find a way, bringing us one of the funniest and most adorable duets ever! The final line is brilliant and needs no translation!

    An actor prepares… in the craziest way imaginable. His poor wife, with encouragement from her sister, considers leaving before she quacks up. But love will find a way, bringing us one of the funniest and most adorable duets ever! The final line is brilliant and needs no translation!

  • Asher Wyndham: Quack

    What makes play more than a comic stunt is its serious exploration of marital themes. It forces its character Cindi and the audience members to consider Beth's questions and consider when its best to leave or stay. The end of the play is hilarious and wacky but also its lovely. This is such a great comic play that will get productions all over the globe.

    What makes play more than a comic stunt is its serious exploration of marital themes. It forces its character Cindi and the audience members to consider Beth's questions and consider when its best to leave or stay. The end of the play is hilarious and wacky but also its lovely. This is such a great comic play that will get productions all over the globe.

  • Paul Donnelly: Quack

    What could be more touching than a couple quacking "their" song? There is much humor mined from Jack's some might say excessive dedication to his craft and from long-suffering Cindi's fraying patience. This play offers a funny set up and deliriously witty execution.

    What could be more touching than a couple quacking "their" song? There is much humor mined from Jack's some might say excessive dedication to his craft and from long-suffering Cindi's fraying patience. This play offers a funny set up and deliriously witty execution.

  • Christopher Soucy: Quack

    Quack quackquack quackquackquack quackquack quack quack. Quack quackquack, quackquack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack. And I mean it! A hilarious play!

    Quack quackquack quackquackquack quackquack quack quack. Quack quackquack, quackquack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack. And I mean it! A hilarious play!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Quack

    We've read this play as part of our Sunday night play reading and it is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! I was charged with reading the role of Jack and you know a play is funny when half way through you forget the tune to a song! This is a prime example of how George brings joy to others through his writing and I think it could make a brilliantly funny piece to stage, as well as a warning as to how far method acting can descend...its truly QUACKERS in the best way! (Sorry couldn't resist!)

    We've read this play as part of our Sunday night play reading and it is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! I was charged with reading the role of Jack and you know a play is funny when half way through you forget the tune to a song! This is a prime example of how George brings joy to others through his writing and I think it could make a brilliantly funny piece to stage, as well as a warning as to how far method acting can descend...its truly QUACKERS in the best way! (Sorry couldn't resist!)

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Quack

    We all know of actors who really, REALLY immerse themselves as they prepare for a role. This short play focuses on the significant other forced to deal with the eccentricities of their method. It is clever and funny, with two great roles for women and a fun challenge for a man to mine a slew of different ways to deliver the word 'quack.'

    We all know of actors who really, REALLY immerse themselves as they prepare for a role. This short play focuses on the significant other forced to deal with the eccentricities of their method. It is clever and funny, with two great roles for women and a fun challenge for a man to mine a slew of different ways to deliver the word 'quack.'

  • Debra A. Cole: Quack

    YES! I laughed the entire way through this hysterical new short play by GEORGE SAPIO. There are so many AMAZING lines. The words, "a helluva cervix” were just a few of my favorites. THIS would be incredible as a staged piece. I hope I get a chance to see it when it does hit the limelight.

    YES! I laughed the entire way through this hysterical new short play by GEORGE SAPIO. There are so many AMAZING lines. The words, "a helluva cervix” were just a few of my favorites. THIS would be incredible as a staged piece. I hope I get a chance to see it when it does hit the limelight.