As a National Committee Reader for the BAPF 2022, ARAB SPRING was a delight to experience! Ibrahim has deftly woven a story about loss and discovery with humor and heart. When a career-driven daughter and her recovering addict brother meet to plan their father’s funeral, each must come to grips with conflicting beliefs, relationships, and loss. ARAB SPRING proves Ibrahim is not only a force on stage, but also very talented with a pen. With wonderful dialogue for actors to sink their teeth into, I highly recommend this gem. #BAPF2022
As a National Committee Reader for the BAPF 2022, ARAB SPRING was a delight to experience! Ibrahim has deftly woven a story about loss and discovery with humor and heart. When a career-driven daughter and her recovering addict brother meet to plan their father’s funeral, each must come to grips with conflicting beliefs, relationships, and loss. ARAB SPRING proves Ibrahim is not only a force on stage, but also very talented with a pen. With wonderful dialogue for actors to sink their teeth into, I highly recommend this gem. #BAPF2022