Recommendations of September in Biddeford

  • David Hilder: September in Biddeford

    This is, in short, the most ridiculous thing I've read in ages, and that is high praise! A mash-up that defies logic yet works like gangbusters. Everyone should spend September in Biddeford.

    This is, in short, the most ridiculous thing I've read in ages, and that is high praise! A mash-up that defies logic yet works like gangbusters. Everyone should spend September in Biddeford.

  • Steven G. Martin: September in Biddeford

    I love how Greg Mandryk refreshes the family melodrama and sci-fi monster invasion movies in this short parody. There are sight gags, terrific juxtaposition of dialogue, and more than a few cliched characters who are in the know. "September in Biddeford" is great fun and timeless enough to enjoy a robust production history.

    I love how Greg Mandryk refreshes the family melodrama and sci-fi monster invasion movies in this short parody. There are sight gags, terrific juxtaposition of dialogue, and more than a few cliched characters who are in the know. "September in Biddeford" is great fun and timeless enough to enjoy a robust production history.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: September in Biddeford

    There is no such thing as the perfect play. Except SEPTEMBER IN BIDDEFORD! There's something for everyone in this 10 minute emotionally charged/action adventure tale! A split screen of genres for every fan base. So brilliant, I am mad I didn't think of it first!

    There is no such thing as the perfect play. Except SEPTEMBER IN BIDDEFORD! There's something for everyone in this 10 minute emotionally charged/action adventure tale! A split screen of genres for every fan base. So brilliant, I am mad I didn't think of it first!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: September in Biddeford

    I laughed, I cried, I feared the estrogen-sensitive giant flesh-eating lobsters! What a fun little play that subverts the usual family melodrama into hilarity with heart!

    I laughed, I cried, I feared the estrogen-sensitive giant flesh-eating lobsters! What a fun little play that subverts the usual family melodrama into hilarity with heart!

  • Morey Norkin: September in Biddeford

    As others have said, “Oh my God!” It’s a cheesy Hallmark story. No, it’s a cheesy sci-fi horror story. It’s both! And the combination is hysterical! A perfect blend of cheesiness!

    As others have said, “Oh my God!” It’s a cheesy Hallmark story. No, it’s a cheesy sci-fi horror story. It’s both! And the combination is hysterical! A perfect blend of cheesiness!

  • Paul Donnelly: September in Biddeford

    To quote the great Scott Sickles, "Oh my god!" This play is hysterically funny, It's a meta-mash-up of Hallmark family drama and outrageous sci-fi. Once the madness begins the laughs just build and build. Do yourself a favor, stop reading this recommendation and start reading the play. You'll be glad you did. I sure am glad I did.

    To quote the great Scott Sickles, "Oh my god!" This play is hysterically funny, It's a meta-mash-up of Hallmark family drama and outrageous sci-fi. Once the madness begins the laughs just build and build. Do yourself a favor, stop reading this recommendation and start reading the play. You'll be glad you did. I sure am glad I did.

  • Scott Sickles: September in Biddeford

    Oh my god...

    I second my esteemed colleague Mr Busser's warning: SKIP THE SYNOPSIS! GO IN COLD!

    What a gift it will be for unsuspecting audiences to watch the drama unfold. A truly inspired narrative tapestry combining and even unifying disparate tropes to tell a tale as comfortably familiar as it is mindblowingly unique.

    People will leave feeling better about the world, themselves, each other, and the state of theater, all while asking... "what the hell did I just watch???"

    You watched SEPTEMBER IN BIDDEFORD, people! Know you are blessed.

    Oh my god...

    I second my esteemed colleague Mr Busser's warning: SKIP THE SYNOPSIS! GO IN COLD!

    What a gift it will be for unsuspecting audiences to watch the drama unfold. A truly inspired narrative tapestry combining and even unifying disparate tropes to tell a tale as comfortably familiar as it is mindblowingly unique.

    People will leave feeling better about the world, themselves, each other, and the state of theater, all while asking... "what the hell did I just watch???"

    You watched SEPTEMBER IN BIDDEFORD, people! Know you are blessed.

  • John Busser: September in Biddeford

    DON'T READ THE SYNOPSIS, you'll thank me later!

    A favorite piece of mine from Greg, sees a Hallmark Movie moment, the Mother-Daughter Important Talk Scene interrupted (as these things SHOULD be) by... well, that would be telling. And it's SOOOOOO much better if you just read it instead. Or better yet, see it somewhere it's being performed.

    DON'T READ THE SYNOPSIS, you'll thank me later!

    A favorite piece of mine from Greg, sees a Hallmark Movie moment, the Mother-Daughter Important Talk Scene interrupted (as these things SHOULD be) by... well, that would be telling. And it's SOOOOOO much better if you just read it instead. Or better yet, see it somewhere it's being performed.