This is a charming, faithful adaptation of a beloved classic, perfect for a large ensemble of actor-singers. The performance text is full of carefully curated music suggestive of the wit and humor of both Austen and the theatrical world she's created. The piece moves swiftly with incredible efficiency - it would make a wonderful school or community production, as I imagine the whole thing could be performed with a simple, minimalist set. Ultimately, this piece is a tight adaptation full of great roles for young women, and it's absolutely in the spirit of the novel!
This is a charming, faithful adaptation of a beloved classic, perfect for a large ensemble of actor-singers. The performance text is full of carefully curated music suggestive of the wit and humor of both Austen and the theatrical world she's created. The piece moves swiftly with incredible efficiency - it would make a wonderful school or community production, as I imagine the whole thing could be performed with a simple, minimalist set. Ultimately, this piece is a tight adaptation full of great roles for young women, and it's absolutely in the spirit of the novel!