This is the kind of theatre I want to see. Kirkman meets our time's grim ecological prospects with wit and charm. Its absurdity is never absurd for long. These are the kind of characters that are missing in theatre- the scientists! Long have I yearned for a play that deals with a precise, defined doom with precise, defined comedy, that asks the questions you're afraid to ask yourself, a play with voice in a time where voice is the enemy. You should be reading this. This is the theatre I dream about.
This is the kind of theatre I want to see. Kirkman meets our time's grim ecological prospects with wit and charm. Its absurdity is never absurd for long. These are the kind of characters that are missing in theatre- the scientists! Long have I yearned for a play that deals with a precise, defined doom with precise, defined comedy, that asks the questions you're afraid to ask yourself, a play with voice in a time where voice is the enemy. You should be reading this. This is the theatre I dream about.