When love demands that you show your teeth, your heart, and all, and someone takes that to the extreme - where does that leave you? (See: on the killing room floor). Timms offers us this severed, yet still bleeding, heart of a monologue play on a silver platter, from the mouth of their metaphorical "Preacher's Son". Their mastery of verse mixed with the raw emotion evokes the very feelings I felt when reading their playwright's notes: anticipatory fear, thrill, and heartbreak beyond words.
When love demands that you show your teeth, your heart, and all, and someone takes that to the extreme - where does that leave you? (See: on the killing room floor). Timms offers us this severed, yet still bleeding, heart of a monologue play on a silver platter, from the mouth of their metaphorical "Preacher's Son". Their mastery of verse mixed with the raw emotion evokes the very feelings I felt when reading their playwright's notes: anticipatory fear, thrill, and heartbreak beyond words.