Recommendations of Brompton's Truth

  • George Sapio: Brompton's Truth

    Short but perfect. Love comes with a high price tag, but it's always worth it.

    Short but perfect. Love comes with a high price tag, but it's always worth it.

  • Robert J. LeBlanc: Brompton's Truth

    Eight lines full of power and love and loss. Eight lines that made me cry and reminisce about my own far too short a time with a beloved family member. This show will stay with you. This is one of the truest plays I have ever read.

    Eight lines full of power and love and loss. Eight lines that made me cry and reminisce about my own far too short a time with a beloved family member. This show will stay with you. This is one of the truest plays I have ever read.

  • Jack Levine: Brompton's Truth

    JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a warm and lovely 1 minute play about the true love between ourselves and our wonderful companion. “Brampton’s Truth” will bring a few tears, fond memories, and wonderful thoughts about “our Brompton”, or for me it was “Fritz”.

    JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a warm and lovely 1 minute play about the true love between ourselves and our wonderful companion. “Brampton’s Truth” will bring a few tears, fond memories, and wonderful thoughts about “our Brompton”, or for me it was “Fritz”.

  • Colette Marie Murphy: Brompton's Truth

    I literally cried. And then I went and hugged my own dogs. Powerful and poignant.

    I literally cried. And then I went and hugged my own dogs. Powerful and poignant.

  • Ryan Kaminski: Brompton's Truth

    A sweet and charming one-minute play about the love humans have for dogs and the love dogs have for humans. Dog lover and non-dog lovers will unite in their love for this great work!

    A sweet and charming one-minute play about the love humans have for dogs and the love dogs have for humans. Dog lover and non-dog lovers will unite in their love for this great work!

  • Jennifer O'Grady: Brompton's Truth

    Sweet one-minute play about the bittersweet bond between humans and dogs. With two loving dogs in my home I felt this so deeply!

    Sweet one-minute play about the bittersweet bond between humans and dogs. With two loving dogs in my home I felt this so deeply!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Brompton's Truth

    This is a moment that speaks endlessly! Someone once said to me "inviting in a pet and you invite heartache". Well, that is just how I thought Human 2 was going to react from their first line. However, after that moment Jacquelyn succeeds in reminding all pet owners why they risk inviting heartache into their lives by owning a dog. It's a beautiful moment that reminds you why dogs are your best friend!

    This is a moment that speaks endlessly! Someone once said to me "inviting in a pet and you invite heartache". Well, that is just how I thought Human 2 was going to react from their first line. However, after that moment Jacquelyn succeeds in reminding all pet owners why they risk inviting heartache into their lives by owning a dog. It's a beautiful moment that reminds you why dogs are your best friend!

  • Robin Rice: Brompton's Truth

    No fooling around. Zing! Straight to the heart!

    No fooling around. Zing! Straight to the heart!

  • Kathleen Maule Holen: Brompton's Truth

    A beautiful tribute to a beloved friend. I cried warm tears and yet I was comforted in my own grief by the wonderful message of the play.

    A beautiful tribute to a beloved friend. I cried warm tears and yet I was comforted in my own grief by the wonderful message of the play.

  • Evan Baughfman: Brompton's Truth

    This script has already touched so many hearts, and I foresee it connecting with audiences for years to come. An excellent one-minute play!

    This script has already touched so many hearts, and I foresee it connecting with audiences for years to come. An excellent one-minute play!