Recommendations of We Interrupt This Broadcast

  • Cheryl Bear: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    An all too real portrait of news in America.

    An all too real portrait of news in America.

  • Ryan Vaughan: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Ouch. All it took was 60 seconds and the reader is left with a haunting realization that this is the very world we live in. Poignant and powerful.

    Ouch. All it took was 60 seconds and the reader is left with a haunting realization that this is the very world we live in. Poignant and powerful.

  • Vivian Lermond: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Hass takes 60 seconds and capsulizes a nation's emotions as a result of mass shootings in this powerful little play. Sure hope WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST makes it into every one-minute play festival!

    Hass takes 60 seconds and capsulizes a nation's emotions as a result of mass shootings in this powerful little play. Sure hope WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST makes it into every one-minute play festival!

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    That was a shock...I was feeling the pressure of this piece and boom, it was over. A perfect addition to any one minute play festival.

    That was a shock...I was feeling the pressure of this piece and boom, it was over. A perfect addition to any one minute play festival.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Every time I see a piece inspired by mass shootings it does make me despair but that does not change the fact that this is a wonderfully powerful piece. It shows the audience, not only how this epidemic of mass shootings has spread everywhere but also how it and the fear that comes with it creates a society that lives in constant fear. Its sharp and to the point!

    Every time I see a piece inspired by mass shootings it does make me despair but that does not change the fact that this is a wonderfully powerful piece. It shows the audience, not only how this epidemic of mass shootings has spread everywhere but also how it and the fear that comes with it creates a society that lives in constant fear. Its sharp and to the point!

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    A great example of a powerful message hitting hard in less than a minute of stage time.

    A great example of a powerful message hitting hard in less than a minute of stage time.

  • Nora Louise Syran: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    A short and powerful minute.

    A short and powerful minute.

  • Morey Norkin: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Claudia Haas sums up the scourge of gun violence in the US in one short page. I read this shortly after learning about a shooting at Michigan State University. No doubt future readers/audiences will read/see this soon after another mass shooting. This one will touch a nerve, as it should.

    Claudia Haas sums up the scourge of gun violence in the US in one short page. I read this shortly after learning about a shooting at Michigan State University. No doubt future readers/audiences will read/see this soon after another mass shooting. This one will touch a nerve, as it should.

  • Christopher Plumridge: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    This short play cuts right to the point in seconds. With so much gun violence in the USA, you can't help but believe this scenario could happen.
    In so few words, Claudia has hit this home very hard. Chilling and excellent.

    This short play cuts right to the point in seconds. With so much gun violence in the USA, you can't help but believe this scenario could happen.
    In so few words, Claudia has hit this home very hard. Chilling and excellent.

  • Debra A. Cole: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Awful and real all at once - this very short play by CLAUDIA HAAS will be a familiar punch in the gut for so many Americans. A very powerful minute.

    Awful and real all at once - this very short play by CLAUDIA HAAS will be a familiar punch in the gut for so many Americans. A very powerful minute.