Recommendations of BANSHEE

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: BANSHEE

    I love this one act! It blends folklore and history as it explores the question of how much we are able to shape who we are and what we are destined to be, versus how much the people and events that came before us shape us. Plus it's so wonderfully steeped in its setting - a designer's dream!

    I love this one act! It blends folklore and history as it explores the question of how much we are able to shape who we are and what we are destined to be, versus how much the people and events that came before us shape us. Plus it's so wonderfully steeped in its setting - a designer's dream!

  • Jillian Blevins: BANSHEE

    What determines our destiny? Social, familial, and religious expectations? Our genetics, generational curses and inherited traumas? Force of will? Or is it as as the Greeks once believed, an inevitable and certain end, regardless of the path we take to get there?

    BANSHEE obsesses over this question, circling around it again and again. Richter’s lyrical prose keeps this briskly-paced one act buoyant, even as it delves into darker and darker territory. His vivid characters are matched by a powerful sense of place; designers would be lucky to render this moody supernatural fable.

    What determines our destiny? Social, familial, and religious expectations? Our genetics, generational curses and inherited traumas? Force of will? Or is it as as the Greeks once believed, an inevitable and certain end, regardless of the path we take to get there?

    BANSHEE obsesses over this question, circling around it again and again. Richter’s lyrical prose keeps this briskly-paced one act buoyant, even as it delves into darker and darker territory. His vivid characters are matched by a powerful sense of place; designers would be lucky to render this moody supernatural fable.

  • Daniel Prillaman: BANSHEE

    Deliciously atmospheric and filled with vigor, Richter's one-act is a tale of a would-be, whirlwind romance's encounter with...well, that's for us to decide. A banshee? The wind itself? Simply one another? Whatever the case, all have been enhanced and given life beyond the tales and stereotypes we know. Any fans of folklore or Celtic mythology will find plenty to love here. Brilliantly weaved and brilliantly told.

    Deliciously atmospheric and filled with vigor, Richter's one-act is a tale of a would-be, whirlwind romance's encounter with...well, that's for us to decide. A banshee? The wind itself? Simply one another? Whatever the case, all have been enhanced and given life beyond the tales and stereotypes we know. Any fans of folklore or Celtic mythology will find plenty to love here. Brilliantly weaved and brilliantly told.

  • Monica Cross: BANSHEE

    WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS is a snapshot in time, seen from several points of view. Adam Richter creates a compelling moment and then turns it over and over, and it is exactly those shifts in perspective that draw us in. This play has history, mythology, psychology, and practicality all wrapped up in one.

    Definitely check out this eerie play and find out WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS!

    WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS is a snapshot in time, seen from several points of view. Adam Richter creates a compelling moment and then turns it over and over, and it is exactly those shifts in perspective that draw us in. This play has history, mythology, psychology, and practicality all wrapped up in one.

    Definitely check out this eerie play and find out WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: BANSHEE

    This wonderfully atmospheric ghost tale gave me goosebumps! The vast coasts and countryside of Ireland is LOADED with myths and legends and Adam has wonderfully captured one here! Not only is the tense thrill of the piece captured perfectly but its a piece I could happily read more of!

    This wonderfully atmospheric ghost tale gave me goosebumps! The vast coasts and countryside of Ireland is LOADED with myths and legends and Adam has wonderfully captured one here! Not only is the tense thrill of the piece captured perfectly but its a piece I could happily read more of!

  • Charles Scott Jones: BANSHEE

    At last a play worth crowing about - WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS has it all - a fascinating, complex yet efficient short play I'd move mountains to see staged. Superb storytelling - from the assured non-linear time manipulation - to the use of sound (ocean cliff setting, the banshee wailing, the perfectly placed Irish folksong) - how the characters seamlessly address the audience and each other, the concluding monologue that counter-balances the opening. Even for the talented Adam Richter, WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS is outstanding work, the kind you write home about.

    At last a play worth crowing about - WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS has it all - a fascinating, complex yet efficient short play I'd move mountains to see staged. Superb storytelling - from the assured non-linear time manipulation - to the use of sound (ocean cliff setting, the banshee wailing, the perfectly placed Irish folksong) - how the characters seamlessly address the audience and each other, the concluding monologue that counter-balances the opening. Even for the talented Adam Richter, WHY THE BANSHEE WAILS is outstanding work, the kind you write home about.

  • Debra A. Cole: BANSHEE

    I'm a sucker for Irish folklore, and ADAM RICHTER bring this one beautifully to life in Japanese NOH Drama format. What a haunting tale that will have audiences soaking in the fate and tragedy. Let the wail of the Banshee howl.

    I'm a sucker for Irish folklore, and ADAM RICHTER bring this one beautifully to life in Japanese NOH Drama format. What a haunting tale that will have audiences soaking in the fate and tragedy. Let the wail of the Banshee howl.

  • Hilary Bluestein-Lyons: BANSHEE

    Adam Richter cleverly integrates Irish folklore into the Japanese Noh style and poetically creates an eerie and tragic piece. Kudos!

    Adam Richter cleverly integrates Irish folklore into the Japanese Noh style and poetically creates an eerie and tragic piece. Kudos!

  • Christopher Soucy: BANSHEE

    So fantastic! A brilliant, eerie, haunting tale. The banshee has always been a harbinger of doom and despair, but Adam takes us to new territories with a familiar specter. Bravo!

    So fantastic! A brilliant, eerie, haunting tale. The banshee has always been a harbinger of doom and despair, but Adam takes us to new territories with a familiar specter. Bravo!