“Ariadne’s Wake,” unfolds against the mysterious backdrop of Crete’s shore. Abandoned and caught between an unfamiliar tower above and a labyrinth below, Eva and Dyo grapple with Ariadne’s sudden disappearance. Cross’s inventive use of concrete poetry binds dialogue to the setting, exploring themes of betrayal, sacrifice, and invisible connections. A captivating exploration of friendship and myth, this play resonates with rhythm and intrigue.
“Ariadne’s Wake,” unfolds against the mysterious backdrop of Crete’s shore. Abandoned and caught between an unfamiliar tower above and a labyrinth below, Eva and Dyo grapple with Ariadne’s sudden disappearance. Cross’s inventive use of concrete poetry binds dialogue to the setting, exploring themes of betrayal, sacrifice, and invisible connections. A captivating exploration of friendship and myth, this play resonates with rhythm and intrigue.