Having read this script, listened to a table reading, and watched a stage reading before...playwright Madison Mansouri gets it. The story revolves around a residential center as teenagers come in and out of its system. Mansouri captures their spirits as well as the staff's perspectives to provide an important message about what people don't understand about mental health. It's not all just about delivering a message though -- you will also see them Christmas-carolling and cussing sometimes to great comedic effect as well as see the amount of heart behind this story. This show can help...
Having read this script, listened to a table reading, and watched a stage reading before...playwright Madison Mansouri gets it. The story revolves around a residential center as teenagers come in and out of its system. Mansouri captures their spirits as well as the staff's perspectives to provide an important message about what people don't understand about mental health. It's not all just about delivering a message though -- you will also see them Christmas-carolling and cussing sometimes to great comedic effect as well as see the amount of heart behind this story. This show can help someone.