In rural South Jersey, a car means freedom. In an unwilling act of neighborly compassion after a tragedy, Thea Lucas drives her classmate Rob Kelly to school every morning. The 2016 Presidential Election looms over the country, the machine of high school gossip rages — Thea and Rob drive.
In rural South Jersey, a car means freedom. In an unwilling act of neighborly compassion after a tragedy, Thea Lucas drives her classmate Rob Kelly to school every morning. The 2016 Presidential Election looms over the country, the machine of high school gossip rages — Thea and Rob drive.
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Driving Lessens
Recommended by
Michael Quinn:
Driving Lessens
by Ally Lardner
A clever, in-charge character piece exploring a particular type of East Coast neurosis. Lardner does not let any one aspect of these characters dominate their personalities; she wants something real. And what we can only start to recognize is this play's confidence as a period piece, a portrait of the oldest Gen Z-ers, and its real interest in their problems.
A clever, in-charge character piece exploring a particular type of East Coast neurosis. Lardner does not let any one aspect of these characters dominate their personalities; she wants something real. And what we can only start to recognize is this play's confidence as a period piece, a portrait of the oldest Gen Z-ers, and its real interest in their problems.
Lavina Jadhwani:
Driving Lessens
by Ally Lardner
a smart and sensitive period piece, told through the lens of two high school seniors. a great vehicle for two actors (see what I did there?)!
a smart and sensitive period piece, told through the lens of two high school seniors. a great vehicle for two actors (see what I did there?)!
Character Information
Thea Lucas
Can be played by:
Actor Age
Actor Race/Ethnic Identity
Asian, Pacific Islander, or Asian American
Actor Gender Identity
Rob Kelly
Can be played by:
Actor Age
Actor Race/Ethnic Identity
Actor Gender Identity
Development History
TypeReading, OrganizationBoston College Dramatics Society, Year2020