The Temptation of Adam

by Samantha Cocco

The United States is engaged in World War 3, and the threat of the deployment of nuclear weapons is high. Most of the US military has been wiped out. A select number of people have been moved to underground bunkers, some of whom have been drafted to serve as transmission takers and those who will be responsible for detonating the nuclear weapons if given the order. Adam is one of these draftees. In his bunker...

The United States is engaged in World War 3, and the threat of the deployment of nuclear weapons is high. Most of the US military has been wiped out. A select number of people have been moved to underground bunkers, some of whom have been drafted to serve as transmission takers and those who will be responsible for detonating the nuclear weapons if given the order. Adam is one of these draftees. In his bunker, in between taking daily transmissions, he has fallen in love with Marie, who doesn't pay him any attention. Until she does. Would she still notice him above ground? If not, what will Adam do to keep her?

Based on the song 'The Temptation of Adam' by Josh Ritter, 2008.

15 minute version and 30 minute version both available. Full-length version in process.

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The Temptation of Adam

Recommended by

  • Eric Mansfield: The Temptation of Adam

    Fun and thoughtful, this play touches on a great many emotions in a short period of time. Samantha Cocco sets up a plot that could easily expand into a one-act or full-length play. The play's needs and set are reasonable, so I hope theaters and festivals will give it consideration for production, and I think directors could take interesting chances with the presentation of a dynamic plot that literally begs the audience to ask themselves what they would do. Strong work.

    Fun and thoughtful, this play touches on a great many emotions in a short period of time. Samantha Cocco sets up a plot that could easily expand into a one-act or full-length play. The play's needs and set are reasonable, so I hope theaters and festivals will give it consideration for production, and I think directors could take interesting chances with the presentation of a dynamic plot that literally begs the audience to ask themselves what they would do. Strong work.

  • Morey Norkin: The Temptation of Adam

    A love story that wouldn’t occur except for the unique circumstances in which the characters find themselves. Samantha Cocco does a terrific job of slowly building the relationship between Adam and Marie, making us care about them and wanting to see them together. But things take a turn and Adam is faced with revealing the truth, and possibly losing Marie, or doing the unthinkable. This is one heck of a thriller with everything at stake. I would love to see this staged!

    A love story that wouldn’t occur except for the unique circumstances in which the characters find themselves. Samantha Cocco does a terrific job of slowly building the relationship between Adam and Marie, making us care about them and wanting to see them together. But things take a turn and Adam is faced with revealing the truth, and possibly losing Marie, or doing the unthinkable. This is one heck of a thriller with everything at stake. I would love to see this staged!

  • David Hansen: The Temptation of Adam

    In a brief ten minutes, Cocco taps into the dangerous manner in which toxic male desperation, which couches itself in harmless sad-sackery, often erupts into catastrophic damage and violence. Ostensibly a locked room psycho drama, the piece plays as a metaphor for what horrors any individual man is capable of when they have convinced themselves of their own inferiority, coupled with an innate sense of privilege. It’s a deceptively lithe and simple piece which is in fact taut and nerve-jangling. Recommended!

    In a brief ten minutes, Cocco taps into the dangerous manner in which toxic male desperation, which couches itself in harmless sad-sackery, often erupts into catastrophic damage and violence. Ostensibly a locked room psycho drama, the piece plays as a metaphor for what horrors any individual man is capable of when they have convinced themselves of their own inferiority, coupled with an innate sense of privilege. It’s a deceptively lithe and simple piece which is in fact taut and nerve-jangling. Recommended!

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Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Cleveland Public Theatre's Dark Room, Year 2023

Production History

  • Type Workshop, Organization Cleveland Public Theatre's Pandemonium, Year 2023